Gagarin in the Crimea: the player, the radio operator and other photographers

Legendary astronaut personally organized the delivery of exhibits to the exhibition in Gurzuf the Palace Suuk-su of the “Star city” in the suburbs and from the cosmodrome “Baikonur”, which opened on 2 July 1967. By the way, the world championship” in “Artek” contesting the State Museum of history of cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga, but there is the official opening took place on 3 October 1967 at 68 days later than in Crimea. Started Artek Museum with a modest exhibition, but today it is four rooms (one of them with visual and sound effects creates a simulated space flight), exciting the imagination of the romantics.gagarin in the crimea the player the radio operator and other photographers 1


On vacation in the Crimea Yuri Gagarin usually stayed at the foros dacha, Tesseli or in Gurzuf sanatorium of the Ministry of defence. And in addition to the official visits, Yuri found the opportunity to visit in “Arteke” conspiracy. Which subsequently gave rise to many tales and rumors about Gagarin’s life. And the passion he had one Billiards. The stories of the employees in the administrative building of the camp “Sea” has long stood a large pool table still pre-revolutionary production. Gagarin as a gambler, and a connoisseur of the game could not resist the temptation to roll the balls on this cloth. This table was drawn, like a magnet. At Billiards he sometimes spent days on end, forgetting about the sea and the beach. That’s just the memories of the staff of the camp about the level of skill Gagarin vary: some say that he had no equal on all southern coast of Crimea and especially to fight with him came assy-Union scale, and others that he from year to year lost one smart counselor, he squandered part of his vacation and vowed to never return to that “damn table”. Table, by the way, then from the “Artek” was gone, talking to one of the dachas, Yes there paterialsI finally.gagarin in the crimea the player the radio operator and other photographers 2

Secret summer Queen

Vladimir Podznoev at the Studio “Artek-the movie” is an operator since 1965. In the Crimea on the distribution of after graduation, he came from Leningrad, thought then only three “mandatory” year, but it turned out that for life. And in his first season he had the opportunity to communicate with yourself Korolev, the chief designer of the Soviet missile, perhaps the most secretive figure in the Soviet Union!

– Well, talk – it is loudly told, – says Vladimir Erofeevich. – That the king is staying in Artek knew, maybe only our Director – Dmitry Aleksandrovich Trusevich. He summoned me one summer evening to the Studio, explained that they came to visit from Moscow and we must show them a film about “Artek”, which we filmed for the 40th anniversary of the camp. I watched a movie projector and didn’t see who exactly was in a darkened room. On the screen the systems were pioneer squads, dancing flame of fire from the speakers came the sound of bugle, drumming, and childish voices. By the reaction of my few viewers, I understand that they are particularly interested in footage of the firing of crude rockets with Artek’s spaceport. And in the film was footage from the top of Ayu-Dag, so that the impression of flying over “Artek”. And one of the guests said to me: “It was removed from the plane?” I said about it, we can only dream of – too expensive for us pleasure. And the same voice from the darkness replied: “We will try to help you.”gagarin in the crimea the player the radio operator and other photographers 3

of Particular importance to this conversation Vladimir Podznoev then never gave. A couple of weeks something incredible happened for the young operator came to the military: “You are the helicopter for filming ordered?”. So he was able to remove “Artek” from the height of bird flight. But the name of the mysterious person who made such a Royal gift, became known many years later, when the archive among batches of photos the summer of 1965 someone noticed the discarded image, where on the podium of the Artek stadium next to the astronauts Garin and Komarov sits… Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

No star disease

the camera lens of Vladimir podznoeva hotel is the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Gagarin came several times. But especially he remembered the case of the summer of 1967. The astronaut met with the Artek campers at the campfire camp “Morskoy”. Counselors followed the discipline of the children to remain in designated areas and too rapidly has not expressed his delight. But one of UNCRO, imbued with the atmosphere of the historical moment, overcame all the barriers and ran up to Garin with my humble camera “Smena”. Pressed the shutter button once, twice, and realized that it jammed the film is not moving! More unfortunate boys were not the light – he realized that the chance of loss and return in the squad it will have a scolding from the counselors. But Gagarin would not be the person that people loved not only for his heroism but also for the breadth of the soul.gagarin in the crimea the player the radio operator and other photographers 4

– Yuri was instantly aware of the situation, called the pioneer to himself, – says Vladimir Erofeevich, took his “Change”, asked for a minute jacket and deftly wrapped it under the charging bag. Then like a magician without looking, made some manipulations with his hands and the boy returned the camera in working condition. He made the desirable, and happiness without limits. And I once again saw that man, risen so high above the Earth, whose name was known all over the planet, with honor has passed the test of fame and in communication with ordinary people he has never shown even a hint of arrogance, he was always a prizeeminim, “my boyfriend.”

Output on the radio

Pavel Ovsyannikov in “Artek” for many years presided over the radio. He also had the opportunity to meet with Yuri Gagarin and the meetings for him, of course, unforgettable.gagarin in the crimea the player the radio operator and other photographers 5

– Yuri loved to swim on a wild beach in front of the Palace “Suuk-su”, – says Pavel Ivanovich. – Then there was a quiet deserted place where they could take refuge from prying eyes. While we are on the third floor of the “Suuk-su” was located with Artek’s radio club station. And he, returning from the beach, we were visited four times. It was in August of ‘ 66. We even managed to get him to hold a radio conversation with the Moscow pioneer Palace. Remember that before going on the air, he was so excited that even the text is recorded on a piece of paper.

According to the memoirs of Pavel Ovsyannikov, cosmonaut No. 1 on vacation remained a modest man, possibly trying to avoid random encounters and dialogue, is not very fond of when he was in those places where he tried to retire, to be alone or with friends. For conspiracy he dressed like a typical tourist at the time – often it was a simple white shirt, light trousers, and black sunglasses over his eyes Panama. However, he remained under the close supervision of the security attached a “top” – Gagarin was a national treasure, and any emergency situation presdales. Nevertheless, he sometimes managed to escape from such custody – they say he even jumped through the window and disappeared “by their works”.gagarin in the crimea the player the radio operator and other photographers 6 rotated

All visits Gagarin in “Artek”

23 Sep 1961 – along with Herman Titov visited the camp. At sports day they were honoured by the judges and presented the prizes to the winners of the game “SNIper” (artba).10-18 Jul 1962 – guest II all-Union pioneer rally, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the pioneer organization of the Soviet Union.13 August 1963 – at the campfire “Sea” with Pavel Popovich followed a cosmic relay race involving dogs with Ginny, also had been in space.August 13, 1964, together with the Secretary General of the Communist party of Italy, Palmiro Togliatti guest at the opening of Union leaders October gathering of “stars”.18 July 1965 in the company of cosmonaut Vladimir Komarova and “conspiratorial” Sergei Korolev was present at the opening of the Central stadium “Artek”.14 Aug 1966 – the famous border guard Karatsupa in the camp of “Cypress” welcomed the participants of the III all-Union gathering of DUP (Young friends of border guards)20 Jun 1967 – the last Gagarin’s visit Artek. The astronaut lived in the building “Ayu-Dag” in the camp “Marine” and then participated in the organization of the space exhibition in the Palace “Suuk-su”.gagarin in the crimea the player the radio operator and other photographers 7