There is good news and bad news for Jakob Fuglsang. He should go down in salary, but now he gets it in the least.

a 30 percent cut of the Danish cykelrytters salary with Astana. This confirms the kazakhstani ProTour teams, according to cylingnews.

“This has been decided because of the economic crisis, as the organization and the sponsors are suffering as a result of the covid-19,” says managing director Yana Seel in a press release.

It may be a little dull news for Jakob Fuglsang, and teammates, but there is also good news. Neither dane or any other on the cycling team had received the salary until the end of march.

It was due to the team’s budget for 2020 was to be approved. It happened, however, according to Astana, even in march, and, therefore, there fell also the payments at the end of the month.

“We would like to stress that all wages have already been paid 100 percent and that we plan to pay 100 percent of wages again, as soon as this crisis is over, and the team can run the race again,” says Yana Seel and roses riders.

“All of the riders and the staff respected the decision, since they are aware that this is a special decision in special times.”

Cykelsæsonen kept slightly longer in time than most other sports the world over, but also now is put it death. And yet it is unknown as to when there will again be the road race.