Herb that will save the forest. In the Altai territory carried out experiments on growing miscanthus. From this plant have already learned to make paper, and in the future I plan to create other ecological products. About the prospects of substitution in the material of the correspondent of “MIR 24” Olga Zhemchugova.

Soon the rustle of this grass will turn into the rustling sheets of paper. After all, what grows in this field, not just weed – an alternative to wood, which now get cellulose.

“the Value of miscanthus is the high content of cellulose. For processing we use the whole aboveground part of the plant. But we have found that more preferable for different processes to use the stem of the plant, as it has a higher content of cellulose”, – told the researcher of the laboratory of bioconversion of IPET SB RAS, PhD Julia Gismatullina.

The grass is called “miscanthus” unpretentious. Will take the cold winter and dry summer. It can be grown on the same field for 20 years. It does not require special fertilizer. And most importantly – will save the forest.

“the Forest of the Altai territory cannot be considered as a source of processing anything. So we are having a wide field and as experts in agriculture, believe it is possible to place the cultivation of miscanthus on the territory of Altai Krai”, – said a senior researcher, head of the laboratory of bioconversion of IPET SB RAS, Ph. D., associate Professor Vera Budaeva.

It was here, in the Altai region, engaged in a detailed study of miscanthus. At the Institute of chemical and energy technologies of the herb were cellulose, considered a product under a microscope, warmed to find out all the useful properties of the plants. In the process, it became clear that the paper from miscanthus may play a role in import substitution.

“From miscanthus it is possible to obtain the paper from which we can obtain the target. Currently the target is purchased abroad. The advantage of this paper is that it ensures a clear trail cutting damage, which may not give plain paper,” said Julia Gismatullina.

Now, the fields of miscanthus is in Biysk, which is only carried out experiments for the production of cellulose from grass. Another variety of plants are cultivated in Barnaul. Here, too, believe in the promise of the paper from the grass.

“compared with tree species, the miscanthus gives a great huge effective mass, pulp mass. Miscanthus yields in the tenth year approximately 180 tons per hectare. And the pine tree to this period gives only 35 tons,” – said Ph. D., associate Professor of horticulture, botany and biotechnology of plants of the Altai state agrarian University Lily Stupina.

Scientists UweRena, what is the production becomes less expensive and more environmentally friendly. In the future from raw materials of miscanthus, in addition to paper plan to create products such as biodegradable utensils and packaging for disposal will not cause damage to the environment.