In color psychology, green is considered the color of hope. And that’s what people need now in view of the major challenges posed by war, pandemics, climate change and the energy crisis. Ideas, opinions and projects that inspire courage come from Hamburg: On Thursday, June 30th and Friday, July 1st, 2022, the third EuroMinds economic summit will take place in the Helmut Schmidt Auditorium of the Bucerius Law School.

More than 40 experts, decision-makers and opinion leaders from business, politics, science, media and culture will have their say in nine panels, including the SPD Federal Chairman Lars Klingbeil and the First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Peter Tschentscher. The message coming from Congress is that the current problems are big but not insurmountable.

Carsten Liesener, CEO Siemens Smart Infrastructure Europe sees the future in energy self-sufficient districts with intelligent, networked buildings that not only consume energy, but also generate it. Dirk Graszt, Managing Director of Clean Logistics SE, has a real innovation to show:  The company converts old diesel trucks and buses to emission-free hydrogen technology.

This month the hydrogen truck “fyuriant” was presented to the public. Frank Wolf, CEO of OBRIST Engineering and OBRIST Powertrain, is pursuing the dream of climate-friendly driving. In his eyes, hope for future mobility rests on synthetic fuels. Are e-fuels or power-to-x already alternatives to petrol and diesel?

With you can be there live. The link to the live stream can be found here:

An overview of all topics, participants and moderators can be found at:

How do we bring claim and reality together? That’s the question asked by the participants in the panel “Tomorrow’s economy, ecological, digital and social – but also efficient?” Claudia Kemfert, Head of the Energy, Transport, Environment Department at the German Institute for Economic Research.

“Climate protection must be thought of globally and must not become a competitive disadvantage for German and European companies!” demands Marc S. Tenbieg and therefore advocates a “climate club” of the leading industrial nations. Its members should lead the way on the subject of climate protection and agree on the most uniform possible CO2 pricing.

Claudia Kemfert would like to stop the installation of gas heating and see heat pump technology massively promoted. In the TV talk show Anne Will, she predicted that heating costs for private households would be three to four times higher than in the previous year. But: “Europe can do without Russian oil and gas,” says the energy expert.

How high will and may the price of independence be? The well-known German-Ukrainian publicist Marina Weisband and the Green EU politician Reinhard Bütikofer, among others, will discuss this question.

Dr. knows that green is also the preferred color in tourism. Diego Clara, press officer of Dolomiti Superski, the largest ski destination in the world, which welcomes around a million skiers every winter season. In order to protect the natural paradise, all 450 lifts are now operated with electricity from renewable energy sources, mainly hydropower – one of several measures intended to make the white sport greener. Jörg Eichler, Managing Partner of A-ROSA Flussschiff GmbH, intends to put a new type of ship with hybrid drive and battery storage into service in the near future.

The strength of the EuroMinds economic summit is that it looks at future issues from many perspectives and brings together people with different professional backgrounds who work together to develop solutions to current problems.

BUNTE editor Manfred Otzelberger will welcome an illustrious group as moderator on the subject of “Values ​​and attitudes of society in times of crisis”: Ina Remmers, founder of the neighborhood platform meets Reiner Calmund, one of the best-known and most popular football managers a.D. and the TV presenter and ambassador of the Tafel Deutschlands Jörg Pilawa. With his commitment he wants to build bridges between abundance and shortage and says: “I never thought that there would be people in Germany who were starving. I find that shameful!” , multi-award-winning actor Francis Fulton-Smith He is a special ambassador for the SOS Children’s Villages and a child sponsor at World Vision Germany.