Many schools have had with the digitization of so far, especially in a hurry. And many of the competent authority not. So, the demand for the School-Cloud of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI) – one by the Federal government with eight million euros-funded platform of the University of Potsdam was so far – more of a behavior. Some States established also prefer their own learning platforms.

Now, as due to the Corona pandemic nationally, the schools are closed, had to leave many of the teachers of today and tomorrow to come up with something. And the authorities at the same time.

The Federal government will provide 100 million Euro from the digital Pact school, to learning platforms to expand. The traffic on the School Cloud has increased tenfold in the past few days. To the previously connected to the 250 schools now have at least 500 facilities to be added.

the HPI Director and Professor Christoph Meinel speaks in the Interview about the opportunities and challenges that go with it.

“Never for use in closed schools

HPI / Kay, Herschel Mann, Christoph Meinel, Director of Hasso-Plattner-Institute for software systems engineering and head of the Department of Internet technologies and-systems”. FOCUS Online: Mr Meinel, is the Education Cloud is now a crisis profiteers?

Christoph Meinel: first of all: The HPI School Cloud is never for the current Situation, i.e. for use in closed schools, have been developed. But a digital environment now, of course, their usefulness: teachers and students can create documents and exchange, students work jointly on topics and create presentations, have data protection-compliant access to digital content and learning software.

FOCUS Online : Is the interest in the offer, now bigger?

Meinel: in fact, running agreements with the Federal Ministry of education and research, the countries and schools everywhere in Germany, the offer of the HPI School Cloud. Thuringia has already decided. 500 schools are now connected to the Cloud – even if the conditions are now in the corona of a crisis is ideal.

FOCUS Online : Why not? the

Cloud has Messenger function

Meinel : the connection to the School Cloud is simply harder to organize, if no one is on site when the introduction for the teacher can only be shortened very and online. Normally it runs over weeks and months. Now the schools have to jump into the cold water. The cushion, we have to learn the e-learning set up where we provide the Teachers, staff and interested parents usage scenarios, Best Practices, and many other useful information and records and experiences of colleagues, as well as introductory courses make available.

topic: student writes Anti-Homeschooling letter – and speaks from the soul

FOCUS Online This means that schools can join generally, also in the short term, to the Cloud? the

Meinel: This process requires that each student and each teacher of the school in the School-Cloud has its own Account. These Accounts must be set up before it starts. Thuringia was well prepared, had set up these Accounts in your school portal. In the Cloud, it is then possible to write texts, prepare presentations, teachers can set tasks and the solutions collect. And with the Messenger, there can be a lively exchange.

“Many teachers are not prepared”

FOCUS Online : Where is the Education Cloud?

Meinel : The Länder of lower Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia had already prior to the crisis, decided to roll out the easy to get momentum. Also the German schools abroad are to be connected to the School Cloud. And this runs everything on high speed and technically great challenges lie ahead of us. We need to expand the server capacity in the Cloud is so strong that we could roll out the Cloud on the whole of Germany. The technical side is only the first step – and probably the easier of the two.

FOCUS Online : What difficult is this? the

Meinel: Many teachers are not yet prepared to make in a digital working and learning environment in their teaching. That’s why we encourage all of you that have already experience this over the platforms to share the cloud with other teachers.

Several millions of learning content available

FOCUS Online : The Cloud provides the digital infrastructure. But they must also be materials lined. Without a violation of the copyright. the

Meinel : The Education Cloud consists of two Parts. There is, for each of the users of his digital work environment, where I log in, my schedule and the homework, see, and edit. FOCUS Online / Shuang Liu DLDaily

digitalization has changed Germany for the better, if we get it right. At the digital conference DLD, the as FOCUS Online, Hubert Burda Media, where experts discuss several times a year to these developments. This spirit, this themes, to. FOCUS Online to his readers throughout the year offer: with DLDaily FOCUS Online speaks for DLDaily with people who have concepts for the digital future: with innovative politicians, visionary thinkers, creative entrepreneurs. We explain the new technologies and show how they can be in their professional and private lives.

All DLDaily article, you can find here.

The second component is what we call learning goals. The actual digital learning content and systems, for the subjects are available. So, vocabulary, math programs, offers from textbook publishers, but also very much the OER, so Material free of charge for the lessons. Students and teachers can access all the systems without leaving a there personalized data. This pseudonymous access is essential, because without the requirements of data protection law in the handling of personal data could not be fulfilled at all. In the learning goals of the HPI School Cloud four million learning content are already available today.

“we are paying The price today”

FOCUS Online Some States, however, have their own offers – all of Bavaria, with the learning platform Mebis. It is now paying the price that you have agreed on a common Cloud infrastructure? the

Meinel : Yes, we are paying the price even today, and will also make problems in the future. The efficient use of IT systems will always require large numbers of users. If we had agreed on a common System, but resources and skills are available. Now, many develop their own solutions. A range fits like the School Cloud is very good for federalism. On the from all the shared digital learning environment of each state can operate its own learning goals, with the actual didactic learning, there can be different countries and independently about the educational important things, so the selection of learning systems, to decide.

FOCUS Online Is the view that this current crisis will lead to more Unity? the

Meinel: In times of crisis, fighting each on his own Front. We are but Mebis in Bavaria and other countries in exchange, whether it is possible for at least individual functions together. Other States use products from outside the EU or are not at all to offer yet so far, something. I already have the silent hope that the present Emergency brings some for inspection.

All News for Corona-pandemic you can read in our News-Ticker

FOCUS Online In Bavaria is like the e-learning platform Mebis recently, a Hacker attack to the victim. This danger exists in the case of the Education Cloud?

Meinel: In any IT System there is the risk that it is exposed to attacks. But here we have the HPI a lot of Knowledge on this topic. We have carried out in the development are also constantly test, and always trying to make us a hack. Of course, this is a dynamic development: new functions are provided and then a new attack will arise again and again by cyber criminals to miss areas may be in need of. Also, users of open the attackers to the gates, if you are using the System improperly. I want so never say never. But as far as the infrastructure and security issues, there should be no obstacles.


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