Recall that the previous world Cup was held in the fall of 2019 in China, including in Wuhan city, where an outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19. The Russian team, led by head coach Sergei Bazarevich, with huge staffing problems played quite well and took far not the worst 12th place. An unprecedented number of injuries leading performers and other force majeure circumstances led to the fact that the composition of our team played with just two players, representing at that time the clubs of the second division national championship. Is Grigory and Motovilov Andrey Sopin from teams of super League 1. These names to the world Cup in 2019, few people were aware even among the most “advanced” basketball fans.

According to tradition, from participation in the world Cup qualifiers are automatically freed the team of the host countries – Japan, bronze medalist of the world Cup 1954, the Philippines and the debutant of such competitions Indonesia. The remaining 29 permits will be drawn in the long, 15-month qualifying cycle in which in the European geographical area will play national team of Russia.

by the Way, in the Old world, the qualifying rounds began in February of this year for teams with low ratings. Luxembourg, Albania, Cyprus, Iceland and the other managed to hold on a few matches.

as for the national team of Russia, that our basketball players have yet to learn their rivals. In previous training, which consisted of two stages, despite defeat by Bosnia, France, the Czech Republic, the team of Bazarevich still got a coveted ticket to China, beating in a key meeting at the finish of the second stage in Finland in the presence of the seven and a half thousand Perm fans.

If the participation of Indonesia in the upcoming world Cup on the rights of the host country seems a gimmick, the Philippines and Japan – experienced tournament fighters. In the Philippines basketball is very popular. Individual matches of the championship of the country gather at 20-25 thousand spectators, although the level of objectively low. Decisive matches of the world Cup 2023 is scheduled to hold at the giant arena in the suburbs of the capital Manila. Here stands can accommodate 55 thousand (!) spectators.