A fragment of a unique performance about Edith Piaf can be viewed online

the SILENCE of Boyars

History of this play is reminiscent of the phenomenon of the butterfly is first an egg, then a pupa, and then her incredible flap. So rehearsal during X International summer school of the theatre Union of the Russian Federation led to the final performance which was a resounding success with audiences and critics. As you know, the award show is fading fast. But after some time the production was revived in an independent project, and immediately got into the competitive program “the Gold mask”. Looking ahead, we can assume that the suspension of the festival only delayed, but not canceled the triumphant flight of “Silence”.

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According to the authors of the performance – Director Boris Konstantinov and artist Victor Antonov – their world is only half-whisper, half-scream. On the stage comes to life the legendary Edith Piaf – her life and death, the ultimate intensity of her passions, they paradoxically shown “almost without tears and almost without laughing.” The plot is played without text, without a single word through a chain of visual images that recreate the troupe of itinerant actors.

That they can squeeze through the crowd along a narrow corridor. No, they run through the street of Paris, hastily dragging a huge battered suitcase. Rather, rather, the evening in a cafe a Suit starts! They pop up on the small stage, gesticulating vigorously, winking at the audience and promising us an unprecedented spectacle. They look stylish and unusual. Heads cocked black French beret on white persons are long noses-beaks – the appearance of the old masks, not strange feathered creatures. The half of politicy. And gradually we understand the hidden essence of quirky characters: the history of the Paris Sparrow Piaf, told people, and a flock of its cousins, the sparrows. Together and alone, they become friends, lovers, fellow musicians, and most importantly – witnesses of her fate. The language bird trills, playing syncopation rapid movements, recreates the chorus from oblivion the image of a brilliant and tragic personalities.

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/WG How the Internet can be absolutely free to go to the movies and to the theater

over one and a half hours, the action is skillfully balancing on the intersection of clowning, acrobatics and pantomime, where the actors instantly moving from puppet to MIME and living plan, and sound the score consists of a whistle, tapping and Twitter. Fabric performance is built filigree Director, artist and a bright, harmonious actor’s ensemble (the cast of Regina Khabibullina, Daniel Gazizullin, Eric Dasni, Denis Kazandibi, Valeriy Krupenin, Michael Plotkin, Jamshid Sadigov, Andrey Umnov). Tricks, gags, improvisation, the outputs of the hall – each new episode catches, picks up and develops the following, clarifying and deepening the meanings inherent in the complex structure of the stage action.

Photo: courtesy of the theatre Union of the Russian Federation

the Two characters of French chanson and wine are woven into theatrical myth of Piaf. A real mouthful of wine, his smile and handed the incoming audience, reflected in a joyful blur of bottles in the first episode, when the light appears little Edith. The wine splashed vigorously in the dashing scenes of feasts, and in the atmosphere of the festival where the famous song. And at the end of this wonderful beverage it becomes for the heroine in poison, the way of self-destruction, decay and death. Re-spinning an old black record, but the melodies are torn, compressed into a grinding, gurgle and death rattle. Slowly goes behind the scenes of a tiny figure. Behind the silhouette of the white dress long trail stretches. The lights go down and the piercing sounds painfully familiar tune, “Non, Rien De Rien”. I regret nothing… And then comes the silenceand.


a play about the life and death of the famous French singer Edith Piaf tells her story through puppets, music, dance and pantomime. 5 men – 5 chords the character. In the space of the French streets and chamber atmosphere of the cabaret Mind the viewer becomes a direct participant in overcoming the silent vacuum. See, hear and feel the silence which for her – worse than death.