Now the little boy’s parents, Simon and Heidy Koch, left with the unbearable sorrow. And with frustration. Particularly one question sounds again and again: Could Karl mon even be alive if it had been discovered in time, what he failed?

the Smile disappeared suddenly from their son’s face on Saturday the 19. October of last year.

instead it was replaced with a scream of pain, because he got hurt in the stomach, and he could neither eat or drink.

The evening called Karl’s parents, therefore, to 1813, which said that they could run into past lægevagten at Hillerød Hospital. After waiting to be attended to, and after a nurse had made a visitation of the little boy, looked up a doctor to him.

And it is here that Simon and Heidy believe that something could be handled differently.

although Karl’s stomach, according to them was hard, and though he could not either eat or drink, then sounded the doctor’s advice after the investigation, allegedly, that he should drink some water and take a few panodiler.

“the Doctor said that we could take home and give him some panodiler and some water there, for it was the same they would do at the hospital. But we were told that we could be there overnight,” explains Simon.

“But when it was in the order, we were presented it, we thought, that we would prefer to home, because Karl was not happy to be there. And if it is not required other than panodiler and water, so it was probably fine enough. We did not get the impression that it could be something serious,” he adds.

Simon and Heidy took Charles home with him, and hoped he would get better. But he did not.

In the course of the night to Sunday, and Sunday morning got Karl, it got worse. And worse.

He had hurt, threw up and could not find rest or sleep.

the Parents are phoned directly to the department at the hospital on a number, which they had received, but to begin with they got the same advice. That his son could try to drink some water.

As Karl continued it got worse, rang Simon and Heidy again to the department, after which they were told that they could come in with him.

the Family took the Sunday dinner the way from home in Guatemala to the hospital in Hillerød, but quite shortly before they arrived, was Karl’s condition worse.

“I took him up in my arms, and just as soon, he lay there, he looked around, looked at me, and then… he was lifeless,” Simon tells us and continues:

“He looked after me, and then it was as if his body gave up. I’m thinking that he gave up because he felt secure. But it is a little consolation.”

the Doctors at Hillerød Hospital struggled to revive Karl and gave him the over the following hours hjertelungeredning, while they tried to find out what was wrong.

Subsequent – according to their parents about four hours later, he was hurriedly driven to the university hospital.

That continued doctors the treatment and tried to save his young life, but on Monday the 21. October, it was clear that the pressure in his brain had been too violently. There was no more anyone could do.

Karl awoke not up again.

At last he could his body not withstand more. The machines he was connected to, was turned off on Tuesdays, and Karl slipped into death.

“It was and is unreal. It is difficult to describe, for it is like losing herself. One’s children for the same a and everything,” explains Simon.

over the subsequent hours could be family, friends, and others get past the university hospital and say a last goodbye to Karl. Could even Simon only keep to be inside the room where he was lying, twice.

“It was terrible to see him like that. I could not hold for more than two times. For when I was in there, I would like to accept it. That he was gone,” he says, and continues:

“I was there to say goodbye, but it was hard. That everything was in vain… A father’s job is to take care of his children and his family. And then, when you can not do anything and have lost the fight, it is an unpleasant experience.”

to This day, they have accepted that Karl is away. But they do not agree that it should happen.

The records from the university hospital, it appears that the doctors found out that Karl had a so-called ‘diaphragme hernia’. A congenital hole in the diaphragm. And it was this that had led to his abdominal pain and ultimately his death.

According to Simon, was Karl’s stomach – because of the hole – finishing to crawl away from its normal place and further up his chest, and eventually was gone a hole in it, which led to an infection, which led to the hjertestoppet.

Simon and Heidy believe that the doctors at Hillerød Hospital should have done more to find out what was wrong with their son. Among other things, do you think that the one on Saturday should have made a scan of his son’s stomach to find out why it hurt so much.

“So may it be, they had discovered what was wrong,” explains Simon.

“And so it may be, it was not ended, as it did,” he adds and explains that the family’s hope is that something similar is not going to happen for the other.

In a written comment tells Jonas Egebart, the medical deputy director at north Zealand Hospital, which consists of the hospitals in Hillerød and Frederikssund, that you followed all the procedures – but it is, unfortunately, not managed to find out what was wrong with Karl:

‘We’re at the hospital and especially the staff concerned very concerned of Karl’s untimely death. It is our responsibility to find out about children who come to the hospital, is seriously ill, and even though we followed all the procedures in the Charles case, we managed anyway. We wish it had been possible, but his symptoms did not serious disease, and we can only express our deepest sympathy with the parents,’ he writes, and continues:

‘It is important to say that the parents did not do wrong in taking Karl home and observe him at home, even though we offered admission. In the same way we can also see that the doctor, who received the Karl on Saturday, and drew an incorrect conclusion for the study. We had had a suspicion of a congenital hole in the diaphragm, it is clear that a further investigation as for example a scan would be involved. But when we saw Karl, there were no signs that could give us the or other the suspicion.’

Further explains Jonas Egebart, that since have gone through the process:

‘We have implemented a hændelsesanalyse from A to Z in order to assess whether there were things we could have done differently, and to find the lessons – and of course you can always learn. Among other things, we will continue to work with a more secure and precise communication both in terms of what we recommend, but also when patients genhenvender themselves,’ says.