
Xanddy Harmonia and Children Encounter Shark During Boat Ride in the USA, Ivete Jokes: ‘axe-playing shark’

Video shared on social media by singer Tom Kray. In the footage, Xanddy’s daughter, Camilly Victoria, is seen in the water with the animal.

During a boat ride in Miami, singers Xanddy Harmonia and Tom Kray were surprised by a shark. The animal appeared when Xanddy’s daughter, Camilly Victoria, was in the water with her girlfriend and two other friends. No one was injured.

The video of the moment was shared on social media by Tom Kray on Monday (10). In the footage, it can be seen that Camilly, her girlfriend, and two other people were on a float in the water when they spotted the shark.

Xanddy and his son, Victor Alexandre, were on the boat when the animal appeared. Laughing, they helped Camilly out of the water.

In the comments, followers and artists joked about the situation. “Don’t worry, sharks like meat, not ‘Tomato’,” wrote a follower in reference to Tom Kray’s former stage name. “Axe-playing shark,” joked Ivete Sangalo.

After the scare, Tom Kray shared another moment with sharks on social media. In it, several animals appeared in a sort of port, while people threw food into the water.

After the scare of being in the water at the same time as the shark, Camilly gathered the courage and even petted one of the animals. She shared the moment on social media.

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