Victims of forest fire in southwest China 19 firefighters (VIDEO)

Forest fire in Xichang Forest fire in Xichang Forest fire in Xichang
CCTV Video News Agency / YouTube Forest fire in Xichang
New China TV / YouTube

In the South-West of China because of dry and windy weather has seriously deteriorated the situation with forest fires. In extinguishing fires involving thousands of firefighters. The most difficult situation is in Xichang of Liangshan-Eskogo Autonomous district of Sichuan province.

Fire in Xichang began on 30 March on a local farm and quickly spread to the nearby mountains. By midnight Monday, the fire area exceeded 1000 ha, 80 ha of forest have been destroyed, informs the Agency “Xinhua”.

At 1:30 on 31 March was stopped on the 22 people who were sent to extinguish the fire. At about 7 a.m. three of them were found and sent to hospital. They are now in stable condition. Later was discovered 19 dead, among them 18 firefighters and one worker of the local forestry, which indicate the assignment of the road. They were in a fire trap because of the sudden change in the wind.

At present, the extinguishing of this fire continues. It involves 2044 person. More than 1,200 local residents were evacuated.

the situation remains Complex and in the neighboring province of Yunnan. According to “Xinhua”, on the evening of March 30, Nantszyan County in the Dali Bai Autonomoustion of the County firefighters liquidated ignition. The burned area was more than 90 hectares In extinguishing it has been involved 1,800 people, 12 fire engines and three helicopters.

more than 2000 people were sent to fight a forest fire broke out on Sunday in the economic development zone Shangri-La Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Strong wind and steep slopes complicate the work to combat the fire, which involved more than 2,000 people.