” It is important to put existing cities in order. There is such an indicator – the index of the quality of the urban environment. It is not at the highest level in the Far East, but significantly lower than the average Russian one. Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Anadyr, Magadan, Blagoveshchensk and other regional capitals should be put in order. By the way, in some cities this process has clearly moved forward. It is already possible to compare. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is changing, Yakutsk is changing. This does not mean that they do not need to be helped. Therefore, it seems to me that the renovation of existing cities is in demand, first of all. There is a program to modernize the infrastructure of the Far East, over five years the regions will receive 101.7 billion rubles for it. 1,500 objects will be built and repaired. These are schools, kindergartens, polyclinics, hospitals, sports complexes, sometimes it is the repair of roads, bridges, houses,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

The social infrastructure is being modernized at the expense of the Far Eastern “Unified Subsidy”. The activities of the Plans for the Social Development of the centers of Economic Growth of the Far Eastern regions are being implemented on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Within the framework of the Far Eastern “Unified Subsidy” program, 489 facilities have already been built, including 11 hospitals, 16 schools and kindergartens, 20 cultural and leisure facilities, 32 sports facilities. More than 804 social and engineering infrastructure facilities are undergoing major repairs. New equipment for social facilities is being purchased.

This year, the construction and reconstruction of more than 130 facilities will be completed (including 7 hospitals, 16 paramedic and obstetric centers, 11 schools and kindergartens, 33 sports facilities, 9 cultural facilities), more than 60 social, municipal and transport infrastructure facilities are planned to be repaired.

“The modernization of the social infrastructure of the economic growth points of the regions of the Far East is under the special control of the Prime Minister. Control at the regional level is entrusted to the heads of regions,” Yuri Trutnev stressed.

In his opinion, new cities should be created in the centers of economic growth. “People should be provided with housing and work. It makes sense to build a new city when new economic capacities arise. We have examples. The city of Tsiolkovsky is being built for the needs of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Housing for employees of the Zvezda shipyard and the Amur Gas Processing Plant is being built, ” he believes.