UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres said that the world is on the verge of the largest in the last 50 years the food crisis. About it reports The Guardian.

Guterres urged governments of all countries to take urgent measures to prevent harmful effects of a pandemic coronavirus and ensure food security. According to him, it is quite possible that soon the poor people cannot afford even basic foodstuffs.

According to his calculations, around 50 million people this year can be classified as “extremely poor” due of a global recession as a result of the epidemic. The Secretary General stressed that the most serious consequences children will face as due malnutrition at an early age throughout life can cause a variety of complications.

Previously, Guterres warned of a possible crisis of human rights due coronavirus. He said that the virus in no case should not be used by authoritarian States as a pretext for violating human rights and suppressing the free flow of information.

on 24 October 1929 on the new York stock exchange slump of the shares. This day went down in history as “black Thursday” was the beginning of the great depression that engulfed the United States, Canada, the UK, Germany and France.

on 24 October 1929 on the new York stock exchange slump of the shares. This day went down in history as “black Thursday” was the beginning of the great depression that engulfed the United States, Canada, the UK, Germany and France.

photo: people on the steps of the Treasury building of the United States in “black Thursday”

the Causes of the great depression is still not precisely defined. Among the most popular — the lack of money supply, monetary policy of the Federal reserve system (FRS), the next crisis of overproduction, rapid population growth, the adoption of Smoot-Hawley in 1930, which imposed high customs duties on imported goods, the First world war, the margin loans.

photo: new York stock exchange immediately after the collapse of the stock

For the “black Thursday” was followed by “black Monday” and “black Tuesday”, when the market lost over $14 billion (about $500 billion at today’s exchange rate). This amount exceeded the annual Federal budget in 10 times

photo: shop window with a sign “Free soup, coffee and doughnuts for the unemployed”

the hardest the crisis emerged in the United States. The government had not acted, except adopted in 1930, Smoot-Hawley, which was introduced high customs duties, which allowed the crisis to spread to Europe. Mass depositors withdrew funds from banks, this has led to the bankruptcy of banks

the photo: people take part in an attempt to withdraw their deposits in the Bank

Not enough jobs. The unemployment rate in three years reached 23.6% (in the beginning of the crisis it was 3.2%). Work lost 13 million Americans

the photo: a policeman guards the entrance to the Bank

“Although the disaster occurred only six months ago, I’m sure the worst is over, and long-lasting joint efforts, we will quickly overcome the recession. Banks and industry almost untouched. This danger also passed safely over.”

In March 1930 to the nation appealed to the President of the United States Herbert Hoover. He said that the most difficult times behind us and the economy will recover on its own. This did not happen, and Hoover was hated by all

photo: Cleveland (Ohio) register to find temporary work.

Even those who work eked out a miserable existence. Wages have been reduced three times, while prices for clothes and food on the contrary increased many times

photo: unemployed at lunch

In 1932 in Detroit marched the starving workers. Law enforcement authorities brutally suppressed the March: five people were killed and dozens wounded, many were subjected to repression. In the major cities was organized by the food results

photos: all in new York for sandwiches and coffee

mostly laid off the black population of the United States. To the remaining employers were much more favorably, but by 1931, dismissed them all, regardless of race or ethnicity.

photo: people hand out potatoes

Surprisingly, it was during the great depression, it was completed the Empire state building and the Golden Gate bridge, which provided income to many unemployed

the photo: a queue for soup

People were hiding from depression in kinoteatrah. During this period, the movie went 65% of Americans. Weekly views gathered nearly 80 million people. The most popular films were “gone with the wind”, “Wizard of Oz” and “king Kong.”

photo: crowds of protesters in new York

the Great depression gave rise to the America of the 1930s banditry. Criminal lawlessness led to the creation of the FBI. For his appearance took only 600 days, and the head of the Bureau John Edgar Hoover became a national hero and created one of the most powerful agencies

photo: veterans of the First world war, demanding to pay them benefits, during a mass March on Washington

It was during the great depression, mobster al Capone gained popularity in the world of ordinary people. In the early 1930-ies he opened a soup kitchen. Because people simply had nothing to eat, they didn’t care about what they eat from the hands of the bandit

photo: man lying on a pier in new York

During the depression many lost their homes, jobs, economy. Increased the number of those who ��Il on the streets. They built houses, outhouses called Huvervili. You could also stew the Hoover institution, the Hoover blanket Hoover pigs and so forth, what is expressed by the hatred of their President

photos: the unemployed near their huts in Manhattan (new York)

According to the statistics of those years, approximately 50% of children during the depression did not receive enough food, medical care, or were deprived of at home. Many suffered rickets.

the photo: a resident of Oklahoma with her kids.

During the great depression the birth rate dropped by 30%

photo: Christmas dinner in Iowa

In the period between 1930 and 1935 went bankrupt or were sold under the hammer about 750 thousand farms. Often former farmers become petty crooks and bandits. It then became known Bruno Hauptman who kidnapped and killed the 20-month-old son of aviation hero Charles Lindbergh, John Dillinger, “Baby” Nelson, “machine Gun” Kelly, “pretty boy” Floyd, MA Barker and her sons, the famous Bonnie and Clyde. The great depression coincided with a series of long and devastating dust storms that worsened the economic and social situation in the country.

photo: farm in South Dakota to be buried in dust storm

the case when the farmer, the parting of the sheep, realizing that you will not be able to sell them and that money for food for them there, killed 3 thousand sheep and dumped them in the canyon.

photo: workers of cotton fields carry their only possessions.

With the coming to power of Franklin Roosevelt, the government has dared at serious measures: created the Federal Corporation Deposit insurance and the Federal emergency relief administration. The tasks of the latter included the construction, repair and improvement of highways and roads, public buildings and any other public enterprises and municipal facilities. For these studies involved ordinary citizens, which provided income

photo: workers building a road

Another anti-crisis measure of the government was to provide farmers with soft loans. This right has been used by thousands of landowners, receiving loans totaling $2.2 billion.

photo: a family from California

By 1939 unemployment had dropped to 17%. However, many economists believe that the measures Roosevelt pushed the end of the depression for five years.

photo: the mother of seven children from California to Florence Thompson, who became a symbol of the great depression in popular culture, after it was captured by photographer Dorothea Lange

the Great depression ended only with the outbreak of the Second world war. She left a significant imprint in the culture, became the subject of works of many writers (“the Grapes of wrath” by John Steinbeck) and Directors (“Bonnie and Clyde”, “johnny D.”, “Once �� America”)

photo: homeless family from Arizona headed to California, where he hopes to begin receiving social allowance