During the two-day event, representatives of the federal and regional bodies of the FAS will discuss the following issues: the application of legislation on the contract system; the practice of identifying and qualifying anti – competitive agreements; subsidies in the agro-industrial complex; the introduction of the antimonopoly complex by state and local authorities; technological connection to gas and electricity supply networks.

Addressing the participants of the meeting, the head of Adygea noted the importance of interaction between the executive authorities and the FAS for the implementation of the decree and instructions of the President of the country on the development of a competitive environment. To this end, the republic is successfully implementing the measures of the cooperation agreement signed in 2018 between the FAS and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Armenia.

According to the head of the Adygei Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia Aslan Khapachev, last year the republic provided planned values for almost all key indicators of the development of competition in the sectors of the economy in 33 commodity markets of the region. This year, there are no risks of non-fulfillment of the indicators.

The head of Adygea also pointed out the relevance of the issues discussed at the meeting, which directly affect overcoming the consequences of the pandemic and ensuring stable economic growth in the regions. According to Murat Kumpilov, all the issues that the FAS solves directly affect the successful development of the territories.

” Last year we did not allow a serious decline in the economy of Adygea. The main thing is not just to maintain what has been achieved, but also to continue to increase the growth rate. The high level of competition in the region will allow us to achieve what we want. A healthy competitive environment motivates entrepreneurs to develop more, to reach a new level. This means that labor productivity increases, innovations develop, ” the Head of the RA noted.

Murat Kumpilov also thanked the leadership of the FAS of Russia headed by Maxim Shaskolsky for cooperation and support in solving pressing issues of the republic and informed the audience about the main directions of the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Armenia.

One of them is tourism. Currently, the tourist flow to the republic is more than 500 thousand tourists a year, which exceeds the number of local residents. However, the potential of the industry is much higher, it is planned to reveal it by creating a ski resort by 2024. Another point of growth is the industrial park, which is being built in the actively developing Takhtamukaysky district, near Krasnodar. The interest of entrepreneurs in creating a park is obvious – there are already about 30 hot offers from potential residents.

The head of Adygea stressed that these two major projects will completely change the structure of the GRP. Except thatso, in agriculture, which is the leading industry in the region, there is a gradual transition from grain to fruit and berry production – more profitable. According to the head of the republic, all this will significantly affect labor productivity, increase the standard of living of residents of the republic.

” I repeat, we need to achieve economic growth, improve the quality of life of people. It is possible to achieve positive results only together, in partnership, by combining the efforts of all involved parties, developing approaches to solving the tasks,” Murat Kumpilov said.