Economy is one of the feline corona virus are temporarily unemployed, that is, to fall back on a pension of about 70 per cent of his/her / its (capped) earnings. This will be a lot of employees of this month, for the first time, to experience them fully. We asked a few of the loonexperts to make a first assessment: it is the measure to be sufficient and the government is out of its pipe system, such as the trade unions are asking for?

The corona virus does kill more than 1 million people in our country are on the sidelines, or about one-quarter of the total number of active white-collar employees and blue-collar workers. As a result of temporary unemployment, they are covered, in part or in full on a payment. That which is considerably lower than that of an employee usually earns, according to the simulations, the HR service provider SD Worx is the largest loonberekenaar of the country. “The allowance should be raised from 65 to 70 per cent, of the gross earnings, for many of us, it will be a big blow to his,” according to a legal expert, Geert Vermeir. “Those who have a full month of full-time, temporarily unemployed, had been, will be approximately 1,100 and 1,500 euros in his bank account to find. That is, the net amount, after deduction of the withholding tax on earned incomes of 26.75 per cent.

Vermeir suggests that, for the purpose of calculating the distribution of the gross salary capped at 2.754,76-a eur. What is an employee, usually in addition to earning, it is, therefore, not taken into consideration. As you know, the mediaanloon in our country, at the depth 3.140 euros – that is to say, one half of the workers earn more and half earn less, then it is clear that the impact for many, it’s going to be huge. And to be aware of that the various governments of the world. The federal government has decided to set up for each of the werkloosheidsdag a brutotoeslag of 5,63 euro is to be provided. The Flemish government will, within one month, the consumption of water, gas and electricity bill of the affected families and for her to take care of this.
Shock absorbing

the measures necessary to bring the first shocks on the wages and arbeidsmarktexperten it a shot. “On temporary unemployment benefits in the previous crises, has already been proven,” says Vermeir. “It’s a good example of flexicurity: it allows the employers to the employees in the department to keep up and get the idle to set up and it gives employees the opportunity to have a temporary period of time with financial resources. But what I particularly like with it is that the alert is responded to. As you can see, the rate at which and the terms and conditions of and the procedure for temporary unemployment, in the last few weeks have been adjusted and made more flexible, then it makes me that confident. For the next few months we will be sure to come out of the situation and to be flexible to the needs of you to play with.”

My impression is that companies are really trying to do is to have a work / life balance is a cash drain on the one hand, the financial burden for their employees, on the other hand.

finally, Xavier

Xavier Baeten, a professor of the Remuneration of the Vlerick Business School, comes to him, which is that: “The government has a very pragmatic approach has been. And that is a good one, because companies now have more on their minds than an administrative burden. I would suggest that the majority of employers are not in a rush to go to when they are in temporary unemployment and rely on. Some of them carry the measure is only available for certain groups of employees, where they are going. Others are very aware of the part-time, temporary unemployment, and to protect their employees as a major inkomensval. Does anyone else adjust the difference between the allowance for temporary unemployment and the salary, too. My impression is that companies are really trying to do is to have a work / life balance is a cash drain on the one hand, the financial burden for their employees, on the other hand.”

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