the Russian Government is preparing a package of amendments to the Federal law on state registration of real estate. As told journalists the Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko, the provisions of the bill formed solely on the results of the analysis of law enforcement practice. And its implementation will have a positive effect on the entire real estate market.

According to Abramchenko, the Rosreestr has been summarized all arising in practice to the citizens and organizations of the construction complex, credit institutions, professional participants of the market, notaries, cadastral engineers, the state Registrar and local authorities. Therefore, in effect, created a regulatory response to the requests of society. The bill contains several dozens of changes that will seriously make it easier to conduct real estate transactions.

First of all, the bill provides for rules aimed at further “digitalization” of services, which is particularly important in the current conditions. So, at the conclusion of transactions with public authorities the Russians will not require registration of digital signature. The power structure vested with the right to prepare a scanned image of the signed citizen from the hands of the document to certify its equivalence to apply for registration rights.

in addition, through your personal account, without the use of an electronic signature, you can apply to clarify the boundaries of land plots, state cadastral registration of residential and garden houses, for the entry of information on previously recorded properties.

for Example, if there were formed two or more land as a result of division, or the owner of the garden house wants to register the building, to acquire the digital signature for carrying out of registration actions is not required. The heir can apply for removal from the cadastral account of the demolished garden of the house without carrying out registration of property rights.

Thus will be removed the legal gap in terms of real estate, which ceased to exist, but information about them still exists in the egrn (the state register of real estate).

One of the major innovations – the emergence of the field of reception of documents for state cadastral registration and registration. In addition, for veterans and invalids of the great Patriotic War, people with disabilities, the service is free.