The Digital Brand conference Day 2020 will be held on 27 April and 23 June

In April the program will feature more than 50 speakers from among the largest marketers of brands and advertising top managers of such companies as Sberbank, PepsiCo, Unilever, “Pyaterochka”, “Beeline”, “Yandex.Taxi”, Lamoda, Heineken, RB, Henkel, Mondelēz,, “Moulton”, McDonald’s, Facebook, Coca-Cola, Amway, Philips, Volvo, “Gazprombank”, “INGRAD”, TOUS, L’occitane, “nearmedic”, S8 Capital, the Hyper Audience, Kantar TNS, DAN, GPMD, Publicis Groupe, Russ Outdoor, GroupM, ivi and many others.

this year, the Digital Brand conference Day will be held in two stages:

April 27 – The Energy of Creation. Case studies and reports will be devoted to projects implemented in winter and spring this year, and marketers and agencies will share their perspective on the growth points in the remote world, organization of business-processes in the regime udalenku, leadership in turbulent times, and much more.

on this day, spectators will have presentations and discussions, some of which are shown in two halls in parallel virtual.

June 23 – The Energy of Action. the First analysis and expert evaluation of the current market situation, the opinions of industry experts on how they assess the situation and the extent of its potential impact on the market. On the agenda – discussion of actions and measures able to help businesses not to lose positions to maintain and strengthen the relationship with the audience, as well as the opportunities offered by this crisis period for the market.

The Energy of Creation is dedicated to the digitalization of not only marketing and advertising communications, but all business processes. The most successful and effective today, those who are engineering the consciousness and “aburizal”.

Many players have realized the importance and inevitability of such transformations and their impact on sustainable and efficient growth. But not all are willing and able to respond promptly to this call, and the advertising market in this sense is not an exception.

Accelerate the events of the spring of 2020, “digitization” and the birth of new products, services and brands? However, the apparent immensity and inexhaustibility of the possibilities digital contributes to the appearance of an infinite number of new platforms, technologies and tools that generate zettabytes of information. And whether the advertising industry so much adtech, big data and inventory? What is more important for market – quantity or quality, understanding or infinite novelty?

As ever, the marketing required an objective picture of the issues of the algorithms of ad tech, brand safety, creativity, effectiveness and ROI, and life-changing… About this and will talk all day on April 27!

Where it will be possible to watch the broadcast Digital Brand Day?

the Stream will be held simultaneously at several sites:

the official website of Digital Brand Day;

on the newspaper’s website;

the official network of the conference “Vkontakte” in the community “Vkontakte for business” and in the official Akka��NTE “AdIndex Vkontakte”;

news, interviews, the broadcast will also be available in SMM accounts AdIndex Telegram, Facebook and YouTube.

All broadcasts are available without registration.

Digital Brand Day professional business conference dedicated to current topics and innovative solutions in the field of digital marketing and advertising communications. Is a continuation of the annual event “day of the Brand” and is organized by the Association of manufacturers of proprietary trademarks “RusBrand” and AdIndex, with the participation of Mediascope and “National Advertising Alliance”.