pastries is in high demand. What comes out of the oven, pleased the whole family. What is more, during the lockdowns, than the children when baking the same help? If it works at Christmas with the cookies, can’t it be Easter so wrong. But some of the tips it is important to note.

The right recipes

With yeast, let dough beautiful Easter braid rabbits or yeast, prepare the dough Chicks. An Easter cakes is not that difficult. Pain au chocolat can be the perfect reminder of France-holiday and the Rüeblicake has always been a classic.


choose A kitchen is aligned with the body size of adults. In many cases, it is therefore useful to keep the dough to a regular (dining)table to prepare. This table should be with a cloth or a foil covered. When baking, everything never stays clean.

Watch out the oven

In the case of an oven, the heat for the kids is better estimated than in the case of a cooking stove, caution is still called for. The children should be protected only in the presence of the parents, and only sufficient (oven gloves) at the oven handle.

What are activities that fit?

batter is a wonderful distraction, not is to knead, if it lasts for too long. Also, working with a digital kitchen scale can be exciting, the young helps the ingredients to be weighed, and perhaps even a little bit. the

Where is more likely to be treated with caution?

A Mixer is incredibly interesting. He makes noise, and – Yes – he mixes the ingredients, However, it can also help in a big mess of things. The children of the blender? Only if you can keep an eye on.

In case of doubt, decorate

For adults, it is clear: We eat cake, because he is fine. Embellishments distract only: Except maybe the obligatory Marzipan decorations at carrot cake. Children see it differently. So: Let’s leave the cake at the end of decorating.

the kitchen instead of Sofa

Easy cooking, fast cooking, fine cooking, for the whole family cooking: This is the challenge that currently many are. Swissmilk encountered this Situation with the Motto of “kitchen instead of a Sofa” and is presented here for the matching everyday recipes.

to bake a

plan to make you Think twice: Is this really a recipe that fits my children and that makes sense? Must be the rising of the dough or cooling, which means a waiting period? What do we do with the Kids? I have all the ingredients on hand. Not unprepared to get started.

don’t force

It may be a great idea to bake with the Kids. But sometimes the time is not right, the day, the interest, the weather … Be prepared the afternoon snack even finish, and you don’t force the young, at any cost to join.

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