Tag: North-West

For the past day, the number of cases COVID-19 in Russia increased by 2558 people. In the first place by the number of infected continued to the capital. Only in Russia was 18 328 cases of coronavirus infection in 82 regions
In the regions in April continue to enter into force the laws, not only related to the pandemic coronavirus infection. They create the conditions for future economic development, introduce new benefits and even holidays
Cosmonautics Day on Board the ISS to learn and accept a six-month watch 123rd Russian cosmonaut Ivan Wagner. A native of a small town in Arkhangelsk region lost the right to pronounce the most important words in a festive video message from orbit
Actors theatre "Modern" on camera reading poetry and prose, said Yuri Grymov. Writer Elena Chizhova is working on a novel. MIM Anwar Myampquot; took photos for "RG". And writer Valery Popov felt the Earth's rotation
UEFA has denied the information that the number of cities that will host matches of the championship of Europe in 2021, can be reduced. Earlier the press reported that the issue are Bilbao and Rome

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