Tag: Film

The Rule of Jenny Pen, a New Zealand film that premiered at Fantastic Fest 2024, delves into the realm of dementia and the horrors of aging. The story unfolds within the confines of the Royal Pine Mews care home,...
Better Man, a biopic of British pop icon Robbie Williams, made its debut at Fantastic Fest with a unique twist. In this wild, charming, fantastical, and heartbreaking musical film, Williams is portrayed as a walking, talking monkey-man, symbolizing his...
The British folk horror film, The Severed Sun, showcased at Fantastic Fest, delves into the dark and eerie world of a religious community in 19th century England. The story follows Magpie, the daughter of the community's leader Father, as...
In the movie "The Apprentice," director Ali Abbasi takes a closer look at the rise of Donald Trump. The film delves into the relationship between Trump and his lawyer, Roy Cohn, showcasing how they brought out the worst in...
Mist and mystery often play a significant role in creating a great folk horror story. This is exactly what Dutch period chiller Witte Wieven, which had its international premiere at Fantastic Fest, excels at. The original Dutch title translates...

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Emergency Communication: How Amateur Radio Volunteers Help During Hurricanes

Amateur radio volunteers have been essential in providing communication support during the recent hurricanes, according to a report from Texas Public Radio.Josh Johnston, the...