Sobyanin told about the increasing control of drinking water treatment

Visit the Rublevskaya water treatment station, Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin inspected the progress of monitoring the safety of drinking water for the capital in terms of high alert.

– Here, in principle, not so many people working per shift, but they definitely have to undergo daily testing, – said the head of the city. – Zone division of labour must be clearly observed, and the distance between the employees, monitoring the disinfection of premises. And, of course, needs to be enhanced monitoring of water treatment, for purification, for the samples that you take, and of course, for sewage, for the purification mode.

the Mayor also demanded that the leadership of the waterworks to ensure that staff salaries in the same size that she was before, despite the fact that water consumption in the city dropped by about 15 percent – many Muscovites at the time of self-isolation left to give.

General Director of JSC “Mosvodokanal” Alexander Ponomarenko reported that Rublevsky station is operating normally. Reinforced all measures and disinfection of premises and control over the state employees. About strengthening of control over the safety of the water from the side of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow reported and its head Elena Andreeva: “in none of the samples that were selected, we do not find virus. The quality of the water which is supplied to the Muscovites, all indicators are absolutely consistent with all sanitary standards”. According to her, defined and precise algorithm of monitoring the arrival of the officers, that it was not crowded at the time of passage through the checkpoint.

let me Remind you, Rublev takes the station in Moscow for about a third of the total volume of water is 960 thousand cubic meters per day. For disinfection and water purification at the station are secure and efficient sodium hypochlorite, the technology of ozonation and membrane filtration on granulated activated carbon. In connection with the introduction of high alert on Rublevsky stations additional measures for drinking water safety and providing stable water supply. Thus, the supply of reagents is carried out strictly according to schedules increased number of samples water quality – are about 2 thousand tests on a daily basis, and established reserves, ensuring uninterrupted plant for two months.