SK was charged with the two generals and the Ministry of internal Affairs investigator

the defendants in the criminal case opened by the Chairman of the RF IC Alexander Bastrykin, was detained by the FSB. “Krakow, Biryukov and Bryantsevo charged under part 3 of article 285 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation” – said TASS press Secretary of the Basmanny court, Irina Morozova. If the court agrees with the petition, officials will contain jail until June 1, 2020.

According to investigators, Biryukov and Krakow organized a transfer of a criminal case accused in a large fraud businessman albert Khudoyan of police cupola at the Moscow Investigative Department of the MIA. There generals could make a case that it would have gone about easing the plight of Chadaana. Help to him, as suggested by the investigators, was not gratuitous.

sk was charged with the two generals and the ministry of internal affairs investigator 1 the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation: Confiscated from corrupt officials money is being spent on pensions

After the criminal case was transferred to the Department for his investigation came from Alexander Bryantsev. He, as believes a consequence, in the hope of a career on the recommendation of the generals had made some illegal decisions. So, it was cancelled a decision to arrest property which was held in the case Hudoyan. The businessman from-under guards was placed under house arrest. According to investigators, the charges against him Bryantsev was going to retrain on softer – fraud in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity. To do this, he did not.

I Must say that Hudojka detained last summer. According to investigators, the businessman and his accomplices stole some of the company right long-term lease of three plots of land on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow. The amount of damage on criminal case the investigation has evaluated more than 2 billion rubles.