Rating compiled by experts of the Agency “RIA Rating” according to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Federal Treasury and Rosstat. The technique is based on the aggregation of different indicators characterizing socio-economic situation of the regions.

the study takes Into account four factors: scale economies, efficiency, budgetary and social spheres. Each group of indicators includes a number of objective quantitative indicators for the corresponding reporting year. The rating score of the region for each indicator ranged from 1 to 100 – the maximum possible value. Samara oblast scored 62,332 score climbed one place compared to the 2018.

Speaking of the economic component of the rating, it should be noted that today the business in the Samara region receives a wide range of support measures, both in terms of special areas (special economic zone ASEZ, industrial parks) with tax privileges and preferences, as well as from Federal funds and also from the regional structures, Guarantee Fund, Venture capital Fund, the Center for export support. Services to investors in the “single window” provides the Agency on attraction of investments.

Dmitry Bogdanov, Minister of economic development and investment Samara region:

– the Samara region is a unique region to implement and scale the business projects of any level. Investors are making the right choice when deciding to invest in our province. Samara oblast has all the necessary infrastructure support for the successful development of business of all sizes – from public preferences for self-employed people to support a large manufacturing enterprises in single-industry towns. The emphasis is on building direct and open dialogue with the business. The inconvenience and limitations associated with the global event, must be held, Federal and international investors will be looking for options for locating or expanding a business. Our region is ready to accept projects of any level – we have already proved and are willing to continue to assure our partners in the Samara region will be given maximum support.