Russian parliamentarism celebrates 114 years

this date was chosen by chance. Despite the fact that many experts see the first stirrings of the emergence of our parliamentary events and institutions much earlier period – we may recall the boyar Duma and the Zemsky Sobor, or navigate in 1810, the year when was created the Council of State. Most of them agree that the first Russian Parliament the State Duma of the Russian Empire. Like that, having existed for a quite small period of domestic parliamentarism was put on pause during most of the twentieth century and reborn from the ashes only in the last decade.

in Fact, we had to start from scratch, to rebuild the most important for any democratic state institution of popular representation. To learn largely on their mistakes and try to catch up and catch up in a short by the standards of history terms to those countries, that it was century.

Despite the fact that the system of Russian parliamentarism much wider than any one legislative body or chamber of the Federal Parliament, so objectively formed, that first of all it is associated with the performance of the State Duma.

In different years this activity has been variously estimated by external observers. We saw and deputies working in the mode of incessant talk shows, and that then made history with the characteristic “mad printer”.

eventually, after several decades, the evolutionary path we came to the current state of parliamentarism. Not without grounds for criticism, of course, but by the state Duma as a “place for discussion”, development and elaboration of decisions, the real representation of their constituents as articulated core values.

it is Difficult to overestimate the usefulness of those tectonic changes that have occurred in the current convocation of the lower chamber from the point of view and internal organization of work of a DePuy corps (a high level of discipline, consistency), and relationship with the Executive, and external positioning.

In fact, it was a qualitative shift to a new level, again an evolutionary leap in the development of parliamentarism. Without which, of course, could not be and speeches about obtaining a new constitutional powers, of course, if they will approve the Russians during the upcoming vote on changes to the basic law.

this year the Day of Russian parliamentarism will mark��smiling in response to the critical test for the whole country – the epidemic of the coronavirus and economic crisis. And in many ways the attitude towards parliamentarism in General, and to the deputies to the Federal Assembly in particular, will be formed on the basis of how they will manifest themselves during this difficult period.

And that’s certainly a new challenge. Require prompt action, flexibility of decisions, timely parliamentary control on the ground, constant dialogue with people, efficiency of measures to provide real help to those in trouble, lost his job and income.

in Fairness, it should be noted that, at least at the Federal level, this challenge was accepted. The state Duma is promptly reviewed several packages of anti-crisis measures, initiated by the President and the deputies. Is in dialogue with the government on such current issues as, for example, curb rising prices, is currently preparing new proposals aimed at entrepreneurs. Including in the framework created specifically for this task a new Interfactional Commission on questions of support of small and medium-sized businesses. The deputies focused on work in the regions with the voters.

of Course, to put any marks for the exam, which takes place today, all state and all branches of government, it is still early. But it is obvious that developed over the past decades, the design of Russian parliamentarism on your level is able to give adequate answers to arising from the epidemic and crisis, issues and challenges.