As found “Kommersant”, the Ministry is ready to exhibit only two of the three requested Rosneft gas sites in the Krasnoyarsk region — Derbinskoye and Kazantsevskaya, whereas Ushakovskoe field will be reserved for “Norilsk Nickel”. In addition, auctions can go without the special conditions requested by Rosneft, and in this case competition, oil companies may be LUKOIL. Experts believe that the inability to Ushakovskoe field should not critically affect the plans of Rosneft on construction of an LNG plant on the Taimyr Peninsula.”B” became aware of the plans of the Ministry of environment on the licensing of subsoil areas, including Derbinskoye, Kazantsevskaya, and Ushakovskoe fields (total reserves of 128 billion cubic meters of gas), which “Rosneft” asked to play at the auction with special conditions to include in her project “Vostok oil”. According to the report of the head of the Ministry Dmitry Kobylkin, (a copy is in “Kommersant”), the Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko, the Agency in accordance with exhibit Derbinskoye and Kazantsevskaya field. While Ushakovskoe Deposit (reserves are 54 billion cubic meters of gas) is proposed to reserve for the supply of the Norilsk industrial district for this option was supported by the energy and “Norilsk Nickel”.However, from the report it is unclear whether the Ministry of environment to conduct auctions with special conditions, as proposed in April “Rosneft”. According to the oil companies, the applicant must be the existing oil and gas projects in the Krasnoyarsk region, and gas from fields should be exported via the Northern sea route with LNG carriers built in Russia. Conditions actually narrowed the list of contenders to one of “Rosneft”. Against this approach, according to “Kommersant”, was made by the FAS and the Ministry of economy, which saw it as a risk of restricting competition and shortfall of funds in the budget. In the Ministry said “Kommersant” that adhere to the principle of auctions, not becoming to comment on the question of special circumstances. In “Rosneft” and the Secretariat of the Victoria Abramchenko not given a review.Meanwhile, in addition to “Norilsk Nickel”, as stated in the report of mister Kobylkina, the interest in these areas showed LUKOIL — in the case if the auctions will be held without any conditions. In LUKOIL did not respond to a request “b”. The company’s interest is quite unexpected, since it has no active projects in the North of the Krasnoyarsk region, although LUKOIL and led the exploration on the Eastern coast of Taimyr.According to a source “” familiar with a position of energy, even total holdings Derbinskogo, Kazantsevskaya and ushakovskogo fields will not be enough to establish a cost-effective LNG production. If Ushakovskoe field will be reserved for the domestic market, attractive��enosti the other two sites may be reduced.”East oil” — the future joint project “Rosneft” and “Neftegazkholding” (NGKH). “Rosneft” wants to link with the pipeline deposits of Vankor cluster and Piasco field NGKH for oil transportation via the Northern sea route. The resource potential of the project “Rosneft” is estimated at 5 billion tons of oil and 2 trillion cubic meters of gas. The project was initially supposed to be pure oil, but in April it became known about the plans for the construction of the LNG plant. Rosneft has plans to create LNG production since at least 2011, but so far no draft she could not be implemented.The head of the consulting center “gekon” Michael Grigoriev notes that, given the production plans as the most “Norilsk Nickel” and “Russian platinum”, redundancy ushakovskogo field suitable for long-term sustainable heat and electricity generation. According to the expert, the failure to obtain the 50 billion cubic meters of ushakovskogo field should not be critical for Rosneft, which has sufficient resource capacity to other license areas in the lower reaches of the Yenisei river for the creation of LNG production.Dmitry Kozlov