Explosive footage from Project Veritas suggests even more voter fraud could be taking place in Texas than their first undercover video suggested, which has already helped launch an investigation by the state attorney general.
The woman in the video, identified by Veritas as Raquel Rodriguez, political consultant for the campaign of Republican House candidate Mauro Garza, was seemingly admitting to breaking multiple election laws by gifting voters, advising at least one on how to vote, and explaining ways in which she harvests ballots for money.
The footage has prompted an investigation launched by the Texas attorney general, as well as a condemnation from Garza, who claims Rodriguez is no longer associated with his campaign.
In a follow-up video and report, Rodriguez goes into much more detail when it comes to her alleged voter fraud system. She describes at one point being paid thousands of dollars to convince mostly seniors and ex-felons to vote for particular candidates. In a video released by Project Veritas earlier, she convinced at least one voter on camera to change a vote to the Democrats. Furthermore, Rodriguez says she had been collecting votes for Joe Biden and Texas Senate candidate MJ Hegar – both Democrats – and though she doesn’t specify who exactly is paying her to switch those votes, Rodriguez says she does not work for free.
“Yeah, I’m getting the Biden vote out, but I mean I’m not going to do it for free – in other words if they don’t pay me, I’m like, ‘excuse me?’” she said.
She does imply that Republican officials in the state are secretly in support of Biden and “want to help” him win through her.
“My people are undercover because some of them are Republicans,” she said. “Some of them are Democrats. Some of them are just wanting to get the right people in office, so some of the Republicans are precinct chairs that cannot be known because they could get kicked out, but they want to help Biden – and so that’s how they’re helping me.”
Rodriguez also says she is in support of Biden, despite consulting with Garza, a Trump-supporting Republican.
“I’m against Trump. OK. I’m with Biden and I’m with Hegar. That’s the truth,” she said.
Breaking down pricing, Rodriguez is heard on the phone at one point talking with an unidentified person, saying 5,000 votes for Biden and Hegar would cost $55,000 in cash.
BREAKING: Ballot Chaser Reveals MASSIVE Voter Fraud To Elect @JoeBiden’Some of my Republicans are precinct chairs that cannot be known…They want to help Biden’“For the entire team I’m looking at…$55,000″“$55k for 5k votes, top of the ticket, Hegar/Biden”#RiggedElectionpic.twitter.com/76qePEuOYR
How much do votes for @JoeBiden cost ballot chasers like Raquel Rodriguez? Between $5-$8 per vote. #RiggedElectionpic.twitter.com/76qePEuOYR
She also identifies local judges and politicians she says are “in [her] pocket” because she has worked for them in return for favors or low costs in the past. These include Judges Renee Yanta and Nicole Garza – though Yanta denied ever hiring Rodriguez to ballot harvest or ballot chase on her behalf.
Rodriguez also named Elizabeth Campos, a Democrat running for a district seat in the Texas House of Representatives, and Republican Texas State Senator Pete Flores as people she’s worked with. Flores is up for reelection, but Rodriguez claims her work on his behalf means he’s already won.
Texas Attorney General W. Kenneth Paxton Jr. has called the footage released by Project Veritas “shocking” and said it should “alarm all Texans who care about election integrity.”
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted on Wednesday that he has been in contact with the attorney general and promised the case would be prosecuted if “voter fraud has occurred.”
My office has contacted the Texas Attorney General’s office about this video.An investigation will determine if voter fraud has occurred.If so, it will be prosecuted.Voter fraud won’t be tolerated in Texas.https://t.co/n5ufAhTUaL
Rodriguez herself denied any wrongdoing when confronted by Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe.
PART 2 12:00pm EST#RiggedElectionpic.twitter.com/THxOSDFFrf
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