In the natural-historical park “Kuzminki-Lyublino”, Mospriroda specialists managed to photograph a small, modestly colored bird — a marsh warbler.

The marsh warbler lives in overgrown floodplains of small rivers, in moist or relatively dry areas with a predominance of tall grass and with a small number of shrubs. During migrations, it can be seen in reed beds.

These birds prefer to settle at a short distance from each other. Usually they arrange their dwelling on vertical stems of herbaceous plants, less often — on bushes. Here it is convenient for the reed warbler to make a nest-cup.

Marsh warblers feed on small insects and their larvae, as well as spiders. It is extremely rare at the end of summer that they can add fruits to their diet. In autumn, these birds can no longer be found in the capital’s natural territories, in August they fly to India for the winter, from where they return to Moscow only at the end of spring.

The voice of the reed warbler resembles a nightingale. They can also sing all night, and males can even sing while eating.

In the capital, you can find several more species of reed warblers — reed and thrush, which are listed in the Red Book of Moscow under the first category of rarity, as well as the badger warbler (located in the supervisory list of the Red Book of Moscow) and the garden warbler. These birds are similar in appearance, but differ in the manner of singing and habitat.

The marsh reed warbler is not included in the list of rare species, but it needs habitat conservation. In order not to disturb the birds and their offspring, you should walk along paths and paths in natural areas.