In the ARD Tagesschau there was a scandal after the state elections in Lower Saxony. Moderator Andreas Cichowicz takes the red-green side in conversation with the top candidates.

According to the current status, the SPD and the Greens will form the governing coalition after the state elections in Lower Saxony. In addition, ARD had the two top candidates Stephan Weil (SPD) and Julia Hamburg (Greens) in the “Tagesschau” on Sunday evening. First, Weil confessed that the election result would mean a lot to him after the “tough election campaign” and went on to say: “To receive a vote of confidence under such difficult conditions touches me.”

But after this not unusual start to the conversation and statements by the Green Party politician in Hamburg, a scandal broke out that amazed the audience in disbelief. Because ARD journalist Andreas Cichowicz was supposed to act as an impartial moderator in a conversation with Weil and Hamburg, but suddenly said out of the blue with a view to the coalition formation: “Then let’s hope that there will be no GroKo in Lower Saxony.”

First, Cichowicz insinuated that the Greens’ top candidate, Julia Hamburg, said it was quite easy in the opposition to say “no to nuclear power plants,” “no to fracking, no to gas drilling.” Then the ARD moderator said: “Now you are in the government” and asked Hamburg how the Greens then want to secure energy? Hamburg replied that the Greens had already shown at federal level how seriously they would take the energy crisis. She ended with the words that the Greens and SPD will stick to it, that “the nuclear phase-out in Lower Saxony is sealed”. This was followed by Cichowicz’s red-green appeal.

The neutral moderator of public broadcasting thus actively interferes in party politics and sides with red-green. A strong piece.