If you want to lose weight, you don’t always have to do strenuous workouts. Walking also burns a lot of calories. Read here how healthy walking is and how many minutes of walking are enough to lose weight.

It doesn’t always have to be a time-consuming and sweaty workout if you want to burn calories. There are numerous opportunities to do this in everyday life.

One example is simply walking. This can be a walk or just going from A to B.

Exactly how many calories you burn while walking depends on various factors, such as your weight and the length of time you walk

For example, a 30-minute leisurely walk will burn 109 calories if you weigh 70 kg. Anyone who weighs 80 kg will burn 124 calories while walking in the same period of time.

If you want to burn calories by walking in everyday life and lose weight, you should know how high your calorie needs are. This differs from person to person.

Your body constantly uses calories to maintain vital functions in the body. This amount of energy required by the body is called the basal metabolic rate.

Functions that need to be maintained include regulating body temperature and digestion. But the other organs that are constantly working also need energy. How high the basal metabolic rate is depends on gender, age, height and weight.

In order to know your calorie requirements, you have to add the so-called performance metabolic rate to the basal metabolic rate. The metabolic rate is the number of calories that the body burns through normal everyday activities. This does not mean the energy that the body needs for sporting activities.

In order to maintain your weight, you should only give your body as much energy in the form of calories as it needs for the basal metabolic rate and the performance metabolic rate combined – or burn additional calories if you give your body more energy than necessary. You can get an overview of your individual calorie requirements using an energy requirement calculator.

Good news: If you walk more distances in your everyday life, you won’t just burn calories while walking. The more you walk, the more muscles you build over time. More muscle mass means a higher basal metabolic rate in the long term – and therefore higher calorie consumption.

The original for this article “Lose weight while walking – this is how many calories your body burns” comes from FitForFun.