Wetteren, in The municipality of Wetteren is placing an additional five seats on the path along the river Scheldt between Wetteren and Schellebelle. “And you’re not allowed to be in coronatijden a moment to relax. We are going to be the regulations to human use of said ships by Piet Van Heddeghem (Green,&Co.”).

From Wetteren to a bench to sit down after a day’s walking may still be in the times of the coronamaatregelen. What’s more, the municipality will install an additional five on the path between Wetteren and Schellebelle. Was that decision made prior to the crisis were taken. “There has been a growing demand for additional seats on the new bike path on the south bank, which is one of the most beautiful hiking and biking trails in the municipality,” says the vessels Of the Heddeghem. The branch places one additional bench at the beginning of the path to the Scheldedreef, and the banks, between the retirement home of St. Joseph’s cathedral, and Development. The banks, the clerks made it.

“the Rules of human use

the coronatijden can do it, especially with this beautiful weather, on top of the path. “And the rest in a bank should be. Of course, there are rules that must be adhered to. A bench is 1.80 m, so you can be with two are going to take a break during a hike. It’s not supposed to be there, the rest of the afternoon with their friends and to hang out. But we’re going to those lines, especially human, use, decision, Bill.