In Moscow earned digital badges for trips around town

On the website of the Moscow city hall has earned the service design digital badges, receipt of which is to travel around the capital at a personal, service and public transport will become mandatory from April 15. For getting around on foot when a pass is not needed, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules and restrictions set forth in the regime of high alert. To get out of the house to go to the nearest store or the pharmacy, walk the dog, take out the trash.

Digital access pass is free. Deals online will arrange it for the money – fraud, warned in city hall.

For travel is issued three types of permits: for working, for visits to the medical organization and for other purposes. Follow on work can only the employees of organizations whose activities are not suspended, and only in the case that their presence in the workplace is necessary. Digital badge for employees is issued for a period up to 30 April.

a Pass for one-time transport to visit medical organizations issued for one calendar day. The number of such absences during the week is not limited. Pass for a one-off movement for other personal purposes is issued for one calendar day. It can be no more than two times a week.

Digital pass may not get the military, state and municipal officials, persons holding state and municipal positions, as well as judges, lawyers, the notary, including their aides, journalists and security guards – if you have existing business cards.

How to obtain a digital ID?

1. Log on then continue completing your application. Select the type of pass and complete all the required information. After sending the application, you will receive an alphanumeric code which must be preserved (print, save to phone, record) and to have a document Udostovereniem identity when moving around the town.

If you are registered on check the correctness of the data specified in the personal account: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth; mobile number and email address. The information will be automatically filled in application for the digital pass. You can also use alternative methods of authorization the savings Bank or the social network or register and create a personal account.

2. To obtain a digital pass, you can call the service of the government of Moscow on: +7 (495) 777-77-77 or by SMS to the short number 7377.

What information do I need to specify the

For work passes: surname, name and patronymic, data of identity document (type, series and number), phone number, email (optional), name of the employer and his INN. If the employer is a medical facility, it is necessary to put a tick in the appropriate checkbox. For personal or official car will need to specify registration number and for public transport, the card number “three” or “Arrow” (if any). This type of crossing is not limited to the route.

skip to visit a medical organization: the surname, name and patronymic, date of birth, data of identity document (type, series and number), phone number, email (optional), source address, destination address, and the name of the medical organization. For personal or official car will need to specify registration number and for public transport, the card number “three” or” Arrow” (if any).

skip to travel to other integer: surname, name and patronymic, data of identity document (type, series and number), phone number, email (optional), the goal of movement, source address and destination address. For personal or official carI need to specify registration number and for public transport, the card number “three” or “Arrow” (if any).

In issuing the permit will be denied if the request specifies incomplete or incorrect data.

Digital pass, you need to save (to take a screenshot on the phone, to email, print or record on paper) and bring with you when moving around the town. Also, you need to have the document proving the identity. Digital pass must be presented to the representatives of the bodies exercising control of observance of rules of self-isolation. Also check the pass can a taxi service when you order the car.

the verifying officer enters the data of the digital pass on the service device, and the system gives him information about the date and purpose of the badge, as well as information about its owner. He compares these data with the data of the document proving the identity.

What will happen for travel without a pass

Detention in transit without a digital pass shall entail a warning or imposition of penalty in amount from one to 30 thousand rubles. The same acts which have entailed causing of harm to human health or property, or repeated offence punishable by a fine in the amount from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.

the Violation of the regime of self-isolation with the use of the vehicle shall entail imposing a fine in the amount of five thousand rubles. The machine can be detained by the traffic police and forwarded to the special Parking.