Fans of Alemannia Aachen celebrated promotion to the 3rd league at Ballermann. Then the situation between “Bierkönig” and “Bamboleo” escalated. The police intervened and fired shots.

On Monday, Schinkenstraße at Ballermann was transformed into a black and yellow sea. Fans of the football club Alemannia Aachen celebrated their promotion to the third division and their victory in the state cup. Apparently, some players from the regional league champions were also there. But the mood changed and the Spanish police intervened. As the “Mallorca Zeitung” reports, shots were fired.

In a video that has spread online, police officers can be seen storming the party zone between “Bierkönig” and “Bamboleo” while at least one officer fired shots into the air. Blank cartridges are said to have been used, a spokesman for the national police told the “Mallorca-Zeitung”. Witnesses, however, say they were rubber bullets.

According to the police, the reason for the operation was riots by some Aachen fans in the “Bamboleo”, reports the “Mallorca Zeitung”. They ignored instructions and did not leave the local area despite being asked to do so. A bouncer at the restaurant was also injured. The police were then alerted and were supposed to bring the situation under control.

Witnesses, however, portray the course of events differently. The Aachen fans celebrated peacefully, but then the bouncers would no longer let anyone wearing black and yellow club colors into the “Bamboleo”. In addition, a fan was attacked with a baton by a bouncer. “But the bouncers were very aggressive. It escalated around 5 or 6 p.m. “We felt like cattle,” said an Aachen supporter, describing the incidents. “We were beaten with sticks by the bouncers and the police. I was really scared.”

There is currently no information about possible arrests. The exact circumstances of the incident and the question of injuries are currently still being investigated.