How will the permit system in Moscow and Moscow region

the Pass will be a special code consisting of numbers and letters. The first four characters will indicate the date of expiry of the permit, and the remaining 12 marks will allow you to identify the owner and purpose of the trip.

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/WG Authorities warned about fraud with digital badges in social media

System includes several categories of digital badges. The first is designed for travel related to employment. This pass is needed if the organization continues to operate and the presence of the employee in the workplace is absolutely necessary. The same category of passes needed for official journeys, for example, delivery couriers. The validity of the digital pass for travel to work – until April 30.

the Second category of permits – for travel to medical facilities. Such a permit is required to travel to a specific medical facility. The number of such absences during the week is not limited.

the Third category – one entry pass for travel for other personal purposes, appropriate to the mode of increased readiness (to the store, to the country, to the station, and so on). Pass this category is given on one day and allow the trip to destination and back. It can be no more than two times a week.

to move around the city on foot, such as walking the dog, to go to the store or pharmacy to get a pass is not required.

Digital pass you can get for free in three ways.

Online To do this, users need to register on the portal, choose the service “get a digital pass to movement in the territory of the city of Moscow”, enter the necessary data andto give you an application. For traveling by car, you will need to specify the number, and if you want to travel by public transport – you will need the card number “three” or “Arrow” and was the organization or the name of the medical facility in which you are going. The system displays on the screen a special code which you can save to record, photograph or make a screenshot and take it with you. At the same time pass you will be sent to the e-mail if it is specified in the request.

Another way to design digital pass – through SMS to the number 7377. It is necessary to send SMS with special format. The format will be communicated additionally. Digital code will come in reply SMS.

in addition, to issue a digital pass can be obtained in a Single reference service of the government of Moscow: +7 (495) 777-77-77. The operator of the contact center to request the necessary information and to fill in data for the digital pass. Then dictate the code of digital badges. This code is necessary to record and report patrols during validation.

Example code: 1104-T123-МО11-К123.

Photo: Mikhail Sinitsyn/RG Moscow taxi drivers will be checked special permits

In case of any problems with the registration badge, the citizens will also be able to get advice on the same phone: +7 (495) 777-77-77.

to Check the digital pass can only authorized persons engaged in the control of movement. Along with a pass must present an identity document that is specified when applying. The employee will check the digital pass into the presence of the citizen with the help of a special program in the tablet.

the Personal information that residents give the city for badges will be stored on the territory of Russia are protected in the closed circuit of the data processing Centre of the Department of information technology of Moscow. After the end of the high alert mode all information on issued passes will be destroyed.

how will the permit system in moscow and moscow region 3Infographics “RG”/ Leonid Kuleshov/ Love Prosenkovs about digital passes: answers to basic questions

When will the passes?

– the checkpoint system in Moscow will take effect from April 15. To pass you since April 13.

In some cases, will need a pass?

– Pass will be required if you plan to move around the city by car, taxi or public transport.

In some cases, the digital pass is not needed?

– If you move around the city on foot in accordance with the decree of the Moscow mayor No. 12-UM, a pass is not needed. For example, you can walk the dog, take out the trash, go to the shop or pharmacy near their homes.

What is a pass?

– a Digital badge is an alphanumeric code, the first four digits indicate the expiry date passes, the remaining 12 characters allow us to identify its owner. If necessary, the employees of competent authorities responsible for the enforcement of isolation, can enter this code on the service device, and the system will give information about the date and purpose of the badge, as well as information about its owner. These employees reconcile their data with the data of the identity document, which a person pointed out when making a pass.

What types of digital badges can I get?

– there are two kinds of digital pass: for employees of organizations whose activities are not suspended by order of the mayor of Moscow, and for a single movement. Pass for one-time movement, you can arrange for a visit medical organizations or for other personal purposes. Rules of registration of these gaps vary.

what is the term given to the digital pass and how often is it?

Muscovites without a mobile phone and the Internet will get a pass on the phone

Digital badge for employees is issued for a period up to 30 April.

the Pass is for one-time transport to visit medical organizations issued for one calendar day. The number of such absences during the week is unlimited.

the pass for the one-off movement for other personal purposes is issued for one calendar day. It can be no more than two times a week.

how far can I travel with a digital pass?

– you can Move over any distance. To obtain a badge for a single movement you must specify the address of departure and destination address. To obtain a badge at work to indicate any address is not required.

How to obtain a digital ID?

– If you are registered on check the correctness of the data specified in the personal account: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth; mobile number and email address. The information will be automatically filled in application for the digital pass.

If you have no reception on you can use alternative methods of authorization the savings Bank or the social network or register and create a personal account.

to obtain a digital pass log in then continue completing your application. Select the type of pass and complete all the required information. After sending the application, you will receive an alphanumeric code which must be preserved (print, save to phone, record) and have, together with the identity document, when moving through the city.

in addition, to obtain a digital pass, you can call the service of the government of Moscow on: +7 (495) 777-77-77 or by SMS to the short number 7377.

What information needs to be filled in the application to get digital pass?

When making a digital pass choose one of the goals:

– get a digital pass of the employee;

– a single movement in a medical organization;

– one-off movement for other purposes.

to obtain a digital pass for driving to work, you must indicate the surname, name and patronymic, data of identity document (type, series and number), phone number, email (optional), name of the employer and his INN. If the employer is a medical facility, it is necessary to put a tick in the appropriate checkbox. For personal or official car will need to specify registration number and for public transport, the card number “three” or “Arrow” (in case of availability). This type of crossing is not limited to the route.

the Application of the Ministry of communications to issue permits for developed regions

to get a digital pass to visit a medical organization, it is necessary to indicate the surname, name and patronymic, date of birth, data of identity document (type, series and number), phone number, email (optional), source address, destination address, and the name of the medical organization. For personal or official car will need to specify registration number and for public transport, the card number “three” or “Arrow” (if any).

to obtain a digital pass for a one-off movement for other purposes, it is necessary to indicate the surname, name and patronymic, data of identity document (type, series and number), phone number, email (optional), the goal of movement, source address and destination address. For personal or official car will need to specify registration number and for public transport, the card number “three” or “Arrow” (if applicable).

the same information if requiredodimo will call the operator if you make a pass call the service of the government of Moscow.

To apply for the issue of the digital pass via SMS you want to send to the short number 7377 message of a special format. The format will be communicated separately.

After the high alert in Moscow will end, all information on issued passes will be destroyed

do I Need to attach a photo to design a digital badge?

– No, the photograph to generate a digital pass is not required.

What is the address to be specified when making digital skip of residence registration or residence?

For processing a digital pass, you should specify the address of actual residence.

I Have no residence permit or registration in Moscow – will I be able to issue a digital pass and get out of the house?

Yes, to obtain a digital pass, enter the address of actual residence.

I rented an apartment in another area or temporarily moved in with relatives – what to do?

– When receiving a digital pass, enter the address of actual residence. To obtain a badge for commuting to specify the address is not necessary.

If any of the data is not filled in when applying, what will happen?

– If any required data is provided for by regulatory legal act of the city of Moscow, e-statements not filled, application will be impossible.

Check passport data takes some time and pass I need urgently. What to do?

Digital access pass is online and does not require waiting for completion of the interagency checks.

Can refuse to issue a digital pass? On what basis?

– You will not be given a pass, if specified in the request is incomplete or unreliable data. Validate the data and submit the request again.

can’t sign up for the digital pass, because the portal is down, the system fails. What to do?

– due To high load on the server may increase the waiting time of the answer with the skipping. Please wait and apply later or use alternative ways: apply by phone uniform help service of the government of Moscow: +7 (495) 777-77-77 or via SMS to the short number 7377.

Who can get around without a digital pass?

– Without a digital pass to move around the city only upon presentation of official identification (identity card of the soldier, state and municipal employees and persons holding state and municipal offices, the certificate of the judge, the lawyer, the notary, including their assistants, and the editorial certificate or other document proving the identity and credentials of a journalist, identity private security guard, a personal card of the security guard). For passengers and drivers pass required.

is it Possible to travel with this pass in the Moscow region?

Yes, digital pass, issued in Moscow, will operate on the territory of Moscow region. Similarly, the pass is issued in the Moscow region, will be valid on the territory of Moscow.

I don’t know was the employer. It can not specify?

– No, these fields are mandatory. Update INN the employer.

I every day have to commute to work every day to make digital pass?

No, a pass for travel to work is issued for a period up to 30 April.

I the employer. Can I get digital passes for all their employees?

Workers should place a digital badge on their own. You’ll help your employees, if you give them all the information about company required for receiving a digital badge.

How to beurera and taxi drivers whose work is associated with the movement around the city?

– Employees whose work is connected with the movement, can issue a digital permit for movement to work. For this it is necessary to fill in the same fields as for a normal pass operation.

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/WG In the App Store and Google Play an app for issuing digital badges

is it Possible to move around the city by taxi?

– if you have a digital pass for travel on the relevant route. Taxi service will check your passport when ordering the car.

I ride a Bicycle or a moped. I need a pass?

Yes, to get around the city by bike or moped you need to pass.

access mode of movement is inevitable restrictions and inconveniences, but when it comes to the health and life of humans, there is no choice

I need to go to the country, located in the Moscow region. Is it possible to issue a digital pass?

– Yes, probably. For this we need to arrange a pass for a single movement with a different objective. A pass received in Moscow, also operates in the Moscow region. If back in Moscow, you come back the next day or a few days, you also need to arrange it for you.

I need to go to another region what to do?

– to go to another region, it is necessary to arrange admission for a single movement with a different objective. Be sure to ask what the rules of movement are in the region you intend to visit.

I come to Moscow from another region, do I need to pass?

Yes, to get around Moscow you need to pass.

I need a long time to go on a business trip or vacation, what to do?

– Forced a long trip is the reason for having to leave their place of residence. For this we need to arrange a pass for a single movement with a different purpose.

Photo: Sergey Kuksin/RG who called the cause of the outbreak of the coronavirus in Moscow

I need products – how to act?

– You can leave the house for groceries and other goods, the implementation of which is not limited by the decree of the mayor of Moscow. Try to choose the nearest stores. If you go to the store on foot, to pass is not necessary. If you are planning to go to the store by car or public transport, please fill out the pass by choosing the type “one-off movement for other purposes”.

I need to get the products to elderly relatives – what to do?

– If you go to relatives on foot, to pass is not necessary. If you are planning to travel to them by car or public transport, please fill out the pass by choosing the type “one-off movement for other purposes”.

children need to issue a digital pass?

– Pass for children up to 14 years do not need to register. If the child is older, he will need a digital pass.

Can I make their profile a pass for a relative?

– No, each draws a pass from your personal account.

Who can check for the digital pass a citizen?

Digital pass must be presented to the representatives of the bodies exercising control of observance of rules of self-isolation.

Also check the badge may taxi service when you order the car.

I got a digital pass. What you need to do to get him out of the house?

– Save, write down or print out these passes to show to the representatives of the bodies exercising control of the regime of self-isolation. To present a digital pass in any convenient way – on both mobile device and on paper. If you also need to have specified in the query the identity document.

As an employee will check the information of my digital pass?

– the Employee enters the data from your digital pass on the service device, and the system gives him information about the date and purpose of the badge, as well as information about its owner. He compares these data with the data of the document proving the identity.

What happens if I leave home without a digital pass?

– If you move on foot and observe the restrictions established by the decree of the Moscow mayor No. 12-UM, digital pass, you do not need. If you are driving to work or riding the bus for personal purposes, you will need a pass.

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/WG Sobyanin: Temporarily stops car-share, and beauty salons open before

Detention in transit without a digital pass shall entail a warning or imposition of penalty in amount from one to 30 thousand rubles. The same acts which have entailed causing of harm to human health or property, or repeated offence shall entail imposing a fine in the amount from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.

violation of the regime of self-isolation with the use of the vehicle shall entail imposing a fine in the amount of five youof thousand rubles. The machine can be detained by the traffic police and forwarded to the special Parking.

get a digital pass paid or free? On the Internet there are offers to buy the pass for money.

Digital access pass is free. If you offer to buy the pass for money is a Scam. Tell, please, about such facts to law enforcement authorities.

based on the materials of the official portal of the mayor and government of Moscow

Meanwhile, Readers are already asking

How to pass an elderly person who has no cell phone, no Internet, and to go where-that still have?

– It can be done with a Single reference service of the government of Moscow on: +7 (495) 777-77-77 or by SMS to the short number 7377.

For some reason already received a digital pass suddenly in the course of the audit are not confirmed. What to do, where to complain?

– you Need to call in a Single reference service of the government of Moscow on: +7 (495) 777-77-77 or by SMS to the short number 7377 and get a new digital badge. Perhaps the first time there was some error.

If you have any questions on the new rules of movement for the Metropolitan area, ask them, “RG”, passing through the link. We will definitely reply!