Burnt out, exhausted, overwhelmed: Those who suffer from burnout due to chronic stress quickly find themselves in a downward spiral of mental and physical complaints. To prevent this, it is important to recognize the symptoms and take action in good time.

Burnout often results from the attempt to do as much as possible as perfectly as possible in a short time. Some people, full of enthusiasm, develop very high expectations of themselves. However, because many goals cannot usually be achieved successfully so quickly, disappointment spreads.

In order to master their resolutions, those affected now work even harder – the tension continues to increase. They constantly go beyond their limits and the pressure to perform in both their professional and private lives increases. The constant tension and daily stress leads to emotional and mostly physical exhaustion over time.

Klaus-Dirk Kampz has been working in healthcare for 35 years and is the managing director and founder of My Way Psychiatric Clinic GmbH

If those affected realize that they cannot achieve the goals that have been set far too high, frustration grows. They often lose interest in other activities as well if all the effort doesn’t make sense. Even experiences that they once considered positive feel like a duty due to the constant stress. As a result, people with burnout often isolate themselves and limit their social life.

Burnout usually manifests itself

In addition, those affected often suffer from

In addition to the feeling of being burned out, there are sometimes physical complaints such as tinnitus and breathing problems.

In particular, people who bear a lot of responsibility, who have to deal with extreme interpersonal situations or feel a lot of pressure due to double burdens – for example at work and in the family – have a high risk of the so-called exhaustion syndrome.

More and more people in our society are feeling stress at work and in everyday life. This stress can often get the upper hand and lead to burnout syndrome, in which body and mind literally switch off. You can find out how to recognize the first signs of it and how burnout can be treated in our free webinar with Klaus-Dirk Kampz, Managing Director of the My Way Psychiatric Clinic, on Wednesday, May 18th, from 7 p.m. GET YOUR FREE TICKET HERE!

Burnout is a gradual process. In order to prevent this, it is important to recognize the first signs in good time and to reduce stress triggers. Various relaxation methods such as yoga can already help to provide a balance in everyday life.

Some companies offer their employees targeted offers for prevention. Through personal coaching, employees learn how to organize and implement their work in a healthy way. If there is already a chronic state of exhaustion with signs of depression, it usually requires the support of specialists to escape the downward spiral.

Although self-healing is not considered impossible, it is very rare. It is usually difficult for those affected to learn on their own how to deal with stress better, create a balance, alleviate the psychological strain and feel energy and joie de vivre again. With professional psychological help, however, burnout can be treated very well and better avoided in the future.