Gardening Association moving to digital format

Online project “Digital SNT suburbs” launched by the Ministry of property relations of Moscow region, Union of gardeners of the Moscow region and Moscow regional BTI.

One of the most important issues for truckers – how to vote online at the General meetings of the members of SNT. “Actually it’s very simple, – told “RG” the developer of the electronic ballot from the municipal Autonomous institution of Mytischi urban district “” Boris Batin. – First you have to ask the Chairman of the SNT to create an internal website to conduct polls. There are loaded the registry truckers with their mobile phones and email addresses. The Chairman of each cottager creates the personal account and sends the mail to it the username and password. The system is protected in accordance with the Law “On personal data”.

Photo: Anatoly Zhdanov / Komsomolskaya Pravda Empty because of the quarantine will protect garden private security

After the members of the SNT through your personal Cabinet have announced their participation in the conduct of online voting, they sent the list of questions included in the agenda. And given a certain time (e.g. two weeks) to Express their opinion. It is very simple. You need to tick the box under each item: “agree”, “disagree”, “abstain”.

After collecting all the votes and the date of completion of voting, the system generates the Chairman of the final Protocol, after which the Assembly is completed.

According to first Deputy Chairman of the Moscow regional Duma, the Chairman of the Union of gardeners of the Moscow region Nikita Chaplin, the electronic form is the ability to protect themselves during the spread of viral infections, as well as scandals and violations of a General withthe Assembly.

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however, the issue of quorum will no longer be relevant. After all, today every fourth General meeting is held in violation of the quorum, and all decisions can be formally challenged in court. Internet voting is a simple form, it will be able to master all vacationers. “In the future, identification of meeting participants can be carried out via the portal of public services”, – told the “Russian newspaper” Chaplin.

At the Federal level, changes in 217 the law on gardening and horticulture. As reported by “the Russian newspaper” the Union of gardeners of Russia, Ministry of economic development, which oversees horticulture, leads the development of a single social network for truckers combined with e-government services. Using a single platform, the Chairman will be able to inform members of your SNT meeting there every grower will be able to vote.