Fee risk

So, from 1 April in the Amur region for dereliction of duty by wearing masks, individuals can be prosecuted as a warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount from one to 30 thousand rubles.

the Introduction of penalties for appearing in public transport and any enclosed areas without masks and announced the Governor of Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev. Fines will be determined by the court in accordance with the current legislation, explained “RG” in the regional the sit room for the coronavirus. According to the amendments introduced to the law of Sverdlovsk region “About administrative offenses”, from April 10, failure to comply with the prevention and elimination of the consequences of the spread of coronavirus infection leads to financial penalties ranging from three to five thousand rubles for citizens, from 50 to 100 thousand – for officials and from 500 thousand to one million – for legal.

Stricter requirements for mask mode announced and Oryol authorities. “From April 29 will be implemented the decree by which citizens will not be allowed to be in public places without a mask”, – promised the Governor Andrey Klychkov. The ban will affect of stay in public transport and retail outlets, and to comply with it will be obliged not only visitors, but also workers: drivers and sellers.

the Sanctions include a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles for citizens, from 30 to 50 thousand – for individual entrepreneurs and 100 to 300 thousand rubles for legal entities. to Pay for the carelessness of subordinates and leaders to the officials, a penalty of 10-50 thousand. If it is proven that walking without a mask caused harm to human health, the penalties rise substantially. It is also possible to suspend the activities of organizations in which they find violations.