key features at a glance:

  • A living will everyone should own people – even young. You should be power of a of attorney, a guardianship, or of both of the documents are supplemented.
  • A of attorney grants to the Agent usually has broad powers, especially the so-called General power of attorney. This is a significant abuse risk. Only persons to whom you have a deep relationship of trust, should be given a power of attorney.
  • A support available is valid, however, only in case of need. The maintainer proposed Person must first be from the guardianship court to be suitable and officially ordered found. The management activities will be regularly monitored by the court. Therefore, the provisioning document is suitable for all the fraud with the power of attorney you want to exclude. But also as a Supplement to the power of attorney, the health care is out of the question.

    Philip Harms (24) founded by the end of 2017, the company Afilio. It provides an independent pension platform to users about the financial and organizational Provisions for old age, illness, or death can inform. Find there a number of important documents for Download find.

the differences

In a living will are the authors of his wishes for medical treatment in case of an emergency. Doctors must follow the written guidelines, if a Patient can’t self-Express, for example after an accident, stroke or dementia.

Here should be not only to hold the Treatment to be desired. Here you a also bears at least one authorized person of trust. Doctors may turn to these, she takes care of the implementation of the patient available. This is the purpose of the pension benefits makes . If necessary, the agent may also have other things for the Affected rules – what exactly are the power of attorney entitles him, can be set individually.

there Exists no attorney will be appointed by the competent guardianship court (formerly the guardianship Tribunal) in the case of need a legal guardian. That is to say, in many cases, The ill or distressed Person is represented by a professional supervisor from a foreign Person, legally. A support available can prevent this from happening. In it, the author proposes, who shall be appointed in the case to his legal representative. It can also exclude people. The decision on who is appointed as a maintainer, then at the court. However, it must take into account in the care provided to detained proposals.

patients available: Free & legal for sure (display) click Here to create your living will!

pension benefits health care, or both, power?

A comprehensive legal Provision is always made up of several documents: A living will everyone should have regardless of age. In addition, a provision should power of attorney or a health care be available, or both.

A pension benefits power gives the Agent broad powers. This carries the risk of fraud. In addition, she acts immediately, not only with the occurrence of the insured event. Therefore, only family should be authorized members or friends to which there is an intimate relationship of trust. Who wants to grant power of attorney, may propose instead, in a support available a legal Advisor. Since the court appointed a guardian only in case of need, and it is strictly controlled, the risk of Abuse in the care available to lower than that of the attorney.

The care available but it can serve also as a Supplement a health care proxy: the Proxy, in case of emergency, for any reason, not accessible, or is the power of attorney on the basis of a formal error, invalid, the care available.

This belongs in the health care power of attorney

The principal establishes individually, what powers he gives to his person of trust or its trust people. Several persons are authorized, it is also possible, the responsibilities among them to divide. To ensure that the Authorised person is, in every conceivable Situation, capable of action, provide many full donor makes a so-called General power of attorney: the owner of the power of attorney in case of emergency can decide in all personal and property matters for the person Concerned.

In every power of attorney this information

  • place and date
  • Before first and last name, address and date of birth of the principal
  • first and last name, address and date of birth of each Agent
  • the signature of the Principal
  • Optional: signature of the Authorised person, to consent in writing

is not A notarial certification or notarization is necessary, if the enduring power of attorney give priority to the implementation of the living will is to ensure. The trip to the notary is then required, if the principal real estate or property, makes transactions or loans should be included. Certain personal decisions are not allowed to meet with Agents, in principle, for the power of attorney donor. So you can not choose for him, his will to write or a marriage or divorce for it.

This will be provided in a health care

as in the case of the power of attorney of certain key figures in the care of:

  • place and date
  • Name, address and date of birth of the author,
  • Name, address and date of birth of the desired supervisor
  • signature of the author

The author should hold in the care of all wishes and ideas, to note, the court or the supervisor – for example, with regard to the patients, but also beyond. It is also possible for certain persons with a relevant note of the care task to exclude. A particular Form is not specified in the care is provided, and you will not need to be notarized or certified. This, however, can be of advantage, in order to prove the authenticity of the document. Everything you need to know over the heirs have to

Our PDF guide declared the heirs and Decedents, all of the important information about inheritance, Testament-free allowances, duty, part, tax classes, community of heirs, and Disinherit.

PDF guide

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