Banks were more likely to refuse to approve credit applications

the Level of approval of loan applications is reduced at least 1.5-2 years. “The reasons for this decline can be attributed to the regulatory actions of the Bank of Russia to reduce the debt burden of citizens, modest revenue growth of the population and at the same time, the high demand of citizens on borrowed funds, – explains the General Director nbki Alexander Vikulin. – So now the lenders very carefully assess borrowers and try to lend only to those whose debt load and personal credit rating (PCR) are at the proper level. In addition, the growing popularity of the Internet channels of applications for loans, which, as a rule, the credit quality of applications is lower than in traditional channels.” In March, these factors were added to the quarantine measures, the weakening of the ruble and the stock market declines.

According to the types of loans dynamics was mixed. Thus, compared with the same period last year, the share has declined approval for unsecured loans (consumer credits and credit cards) at 3.3 percentage points and auto loans by 8.8 percentage points, at the same time, mortgage approval level, by contrast, grew by 3.7 PP compared with the February level of approval on consumer credits and credit cards decreased by 1.8 percentage points, mortgage – by 1.7 percentage points, and auto loans increased by 3.5 p. p.

According to preliminary data of United credit Bureau, the issuance of cash loans in March, in contrast, was approximately 10% more than in February, but in the first week-days of quarantine (30 March – 3 April) issuance declined by approximately 3.3 times compared with the working days of March. “On the one hand, ceased operations many of the outlets, and citizens became more difficult to spend your money, – said General Director of OKB, Artur Alexandrovich. On the other hand, amid rising unemployment and wage cuts, banks now can not be sure that third-party clients lost their jobs or will lose it soon, so tightened their credit policy.”