Your call is very important to you

Forensic chamber of the Russian Federation launched a “hot line” support for Russians affected by the coronavirus in the beginning of March. It’s been almost a month. What did it show?

Denis Shulzhenko: Initially, we launched a “hot line” psychological support to people affected by the coronavirus. Calls received very many from Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Krasnodar and other regions. But practice showed that many were in need not only psychologically, but also in legal aid.

And in early April it was decided to launch an additional module of legal advice. Assessing the situation, we should click callback for the Russians, remaining abroad.

Those who cannot return and who fails to call us from abroad, fill out the form on the website, our experts call the person.

only Help the Russians or anyone who needs a consultation?

Denis Shulzhenko: we can contact and foreign citizens permanently residing or temporarily staying in Russia. Foreigners consultation can be provided in Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish.

Count lead? Many have received complaints on the “hot line”?

Denis Shulzhenko: today, our operators handled more than 12 thousand cases of people caught in a difficult situation due to the coronavirus. Someone we helped to defend their labor rights, someone oriented as to take advantage of relying government support. Someone explained the rights and obligations in the context of a regime of self-isolation.

How often do you refer to foreign citizens. They are concerned about the same issues as that of the Russians?

Denis Shulzhenko: More than 10 percent of the requests it receives from foreign nationals. They often have difficulties associated with insufficient knowledge of the language. As a result, they cannot see the constantly updated legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the coronavirus, the new rules and regulations.

If the Russians do not understand how to make permissions, how all will work this system and for what and against whom can be applied the sanctions, what can I say about the foreigners.

Who are you answering questions of citizens, as far as these people are competent?

Denis Shulzhenko: In the work “hot line” involving representatives of the forensic community. This is a professional lawyers, attorneys, psychologists, therapists, IT specialists.

We work around the clock. And I don’t have enough hands. Therefore, we invite not indifferent to volunteer with our “hot line”.

What kind of volunteers do you need?

Denis Shulzhenko: This can be the representatives of the aforementioned disciplines, students of specialized universities senior courses. Now the circumstances are such that people have more time, but citizens and the country as a whole, frankly, in a difficult situation. Why this time, their professional knowledge, skills, their energy is not directed in a constructive direction?

at least – it will help to escape from their problems, and as a maximum – it is an opportunity to fulfill their civic duty, just do a good deed…. Of course, the volunteer “hot line” Forensic chamber of the Russian Federation are marked by the letters and characteristics that in the future, in employment for example, can be very useful.

Recall the coordinates of the “hot line” for victims of coronavirus Forensic chamber of the Russian Federation: 8(800) 201-27-45, Skype: f.aquamodule.