Twenty seconds of washing with soap can save your life, preventing the infection of coronavirus, as these seconds is enough to destroy COVID-19. To such conclusion came the British virologists warning that hand washing by the above method, we are likely to have a very long time. And soap this will also remain our powerful ally.

This recommendation has already been the subject of Internet memes, offering the best clips of popular songs that you could hum for those 20 seconds are vital to the elimination of COVID-19. As strange as it sounds, but at a time when scientists around the world in the afternoon with fire you are looking for the antidote to a deadly virus, ordinary soap easily kills this ferocious enemy.

Why soap works so well against the coronavirus? Is because the virus is a self-organized nanoparticles, in which the weakest link is a lipid, that is fatty bilayer. Soap dissolves this fatty membrane, or as it is called, “the fat envelope” – and the virus falls apart. He did not die, as it is not living matter, but it becomes inactive and therefore harmless.

what is the singing of songs of a length in 20 seconds? Despite the fact that to dissolve the lipid bilayer of fat molecules requires just such a time, but can be in a good mood to sing further. It is important to note that “sanitizer”, that is, disinfectant gels, can also help, but soap is much more efficient.

On what surfaces the longest lives coronavirus ? On cardboard – up to 24 hours on plastic and metal – for up to three days on a copper surface – up to four hours. However, the farther he sit on them, and the more he weakens, and therefore, loses its ability to infection. It is recommended as often as possible to clean door handles and surfaces of the desktops, especially if the latter is covered with plastic.

the distance between the running citizens, too, should not be forgotten. The six-foot “gap” is vital, since a shorter distance between the standing or running may contribute to the coronavirus to attack their prey. Therefore, at this dramatic period of our life to relax, not really.