What hides behind the parish registers of St. Isaac's Cathedral

Deigned to be personally

the Son of Emperor Nicholas I Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich in 1859, became godfather to the daughter of count V. E. Kankrin Sofia, and a son, Prince Vladimir Volkonsky, Mikhail. At the baptism of Alexander son of the count of S. A. gendrikova in the same year, “deigned to be himself” the great Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Senior. In 1872, the third son of Nicholas I, together with the Princess Maria of Baden Maksimilianovna became godfather to the Earl’s daughter and V. P. of Maria Kleinmichel .

8 APR 1890 in St. Isaac’s Cathedral took place the wedding of count P. P. Shuvalov, and A. I. Countess Vorontsova-Dashkova. Grandchildren of Nicholas I, Grand Dukes Alexander Mikhailovich and Sergei Mikhailovich became guarantors “for the groom”. Son of Alexander III, Grand Duke George Alexandrovich was among guarantors “on the bride.”

Photo: wikimedia.org/ Russian Museum the Empress Elisabeth, the Imperial guards and Hunters: Secret meetings in the summer garden of

In the registers of the Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich also mentioned in the records about the wedding of count I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov and V. D. Orlova in 1891 count S. D. Sheremetev and Countess I. I. Vorontsova-Dashkova, in 1892, E. P. and Countess Demidova S. I. Vorontsova-Dashkova – in 1893 Guarantor Ivan Illarionovich Vorontsov-Dashkov in the above marriage was also made by Prince Peter Alexandrovich of Oldenburg, the first husband of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, sister of Nicholas II.

Brother of the Emperor, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich in 1904 became the godfather of the son of I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov, Michael.

Among the eight heirs of the son of the mayor of Moscow, count P. P. Shuvalov, Peter, baptized in the Cathedral on 18 October 1905, was the sister of the wife of Nicholas II, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

what hides behind the parish registers of st. isaacs cathedral 2a Letter in French of Alexander II, E. M. Dolgorukova on the baptism of Boris. Photo: GARF. Published for the first time.The recipients and guarantors of the highest standard

In the pages of the parish register of St. Isaac’s Cathedral for sixty years, discovered twenty records, correspondence or face-to-face presence of the Emperor, the crown Prince, Empress and princes in the time of the sacraments of baptism and wedding.

most children’s godparents were Emperor Alexander II. Nine times it denotes the godfather in absentia. “At the font” under the vaults of Saint Isaac the Emperor “decided to be” three times. March 4, 1860, at baptism of son of count Vladimir Adlerberg Alexander. 2 Mar 1875 – during the baptism of the daughter of a retired Lieutenant of the life guards regiment, S. V., Kozlova, Maria. 7 Dec 1876 “His Imperial Majesty” became godfather to the son of count P. Orlov-Denisov, Vasily.

two months after the tragic death of his father, 2 may 1881, Emperor Alexander III was at the baptismal font during the baptism of the son of I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov. Newborn Graf was named Alexander, in honour of the godfather.

the crown Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich 8 APR 1890 made a surety of Countess A. I. Vorontsova-Dashkova at the wedding ceremony of her with the count p. P. Shuvalov. January 10, 1892, the future Emperor Nikolai II attended at the wedding of Countess I. I. Vorontsova-Dashkova with the count S. D. Sheremetev.

what hides behind the parish registers of st. isaacs cathedral 3 As art historian about the secret conversation of Nicholas I caused a huge scandal

In the pages of the metrics mentioned and wife of crowned heads. “Her Imperial Majesty the Empress” Maria August 21, 1862, provided the absentee beneficiary of the son of gentleman of the bedchamber of the Imperial court by B. M. Markevich, Mikhail.

the Wife of Alexander III Maria Feodorovna in the registers of St. Isaac’s Cathedral womendischarges twice. 28 may 1877, again became the godmother of the son of I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov, Illarion. June 22, 1883, being the Empress, Maria Feodorovna was at the baptismal font during the baptism of the son of Prince Alexander Dolgorukov S. Peter’s.

the Last entry in the metrics, indicating the presence of the Cathedral members of the Imperial Romanov family, refers to March 15, 1915, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, the eldest daughter of Emperor Nicholas II, became the godmother of the daughter of cadets of the Pavlovsk military school, NV.M. Dmitrieva Elizaveta.

what hides behind the parish registers of st. isaacs cathedral 4Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Senior.The second family of the Emperor

of the many thousands of entries in the registers of the Cathedral is truly unprecedented steel only two, and they both belong to the secret life of Emperor Alexander II.

on 6 July 1880, on the 46th day after the death of his wife, Empress Maria Alexandrovna, Alexander II had entered the second legal marriage with Princess Yekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgorukova. This event is a private ceremony with witnesses only in the “camp” of the Church in Tsarskoye Selo – was preceded by a 14-year-old Roman. Date 48-year-old Emperor with 18-year-old Princess in the Birch house Peterhof July 1, 1866 (this date Alexander II was called “the birthday of our hearts”) actually became the beginning of the creation of his second family.

what hides behind the parish registers of st. isaacs cathedral 5Solemn consecration of the Cathedral of St. Isaac of Dalmatia was held on may 30, 1858 in the presence of Emperor Alexander II.”Ladies ‘Committee” and “R”

In the environment of the capital’s Beau Monde, it looked scandalous. “Society in relation to the notorious damsely proved himself great… avoided even too stressed. Being under the aegis, she, however, was all alone, and often at balls she didn’t have Cavaliers. Those who dared to ask her, immediately took on a note…a”1 – well remembered the maid of honor of the Russian imporatorskogo yard of Countess Tolstoy. However, the opinion of the world didn’t care about a couple after the birth 30 APR 1872, their first child, George. Next to them there were always people who became attorneys of their secret communication. Devoted partner Catherine was Barbara I. Shebeko, the daughter of the Chamberlain’s court.

an Exchange of letters – but only in the State archive of the Russian Federation is kept 3450 letters of Alexander II and 1458 letters E. M. Dolgorukova each other – required the participation of third parties. For Alexander such a person 14 years remained adjutant General Alexander M. Ryleev. As commandant of the Imperial headquarters, he oversaw all divisions of the Palace to ensure the protection of the Emperor. In the correspondence of lovers A. M. Ryleev appeared as “the confidant” and “R”.

authorized Fairly quickly in the Affairs of the couples and became Maria Dolgorukova (in the first marriage Meshchersky), younger sister Catherine. Along with Wawoi Shebeko, it was “ladies ‘ Committee”, which played a prominent role in the novel the Emperor.

what hides behind the parish registers of st. isaacs cathedral 6Page parish registers of St. Isaac’s Cathedral with a record of the baptism of Boris, the son of Alexander II.Angel, Bobby and Catherine

April 27, 1873, the couple gives birth to a second child – a daughter Olga. 11 February 1876 – son Boris, and September 9, 1878 – daughter Catherine. It is Boris and Catherine were baptized under the vaults of St. Isaac’s Cathedral.

Boris was baptized on 4 March 1876 by the Godfather of 3-week-old baby became adjutant General, major General Alexander M. Ryleev and daughter of councillor of state and Chamberlain of the Imperial household, Barbara I. Shebeko. In the graph of the child’s parents reported the following: “Title, name, country and the name of the mother is not declared by the godfather, who presented the baby to commit to him the sacrament of the Holy baptism and the Holy anointing”.

Phota: TASS Historian Semyon Ekshtut in detail told that it is not so in the film “Union of Salvation,”

a Letter composed by the Emperor on this day (Thursday March 4) at 13.30, “after noon”, full of joyful expectations. “Your beautiful letter filled me with sunshine… I feel that our thoughts and prayers should be the same now that we should baptize our dear little Bobby. Pray that the Lord preserved it for us, and he has become our joy and consolation. Hope the trip in the carriage won’t hurt him, and it fills me with joy at the thought that soon I will be able to kiss him and visit as soon as I have lunch with the seniors at home. I would like to take the people to finish the paperwork. Weather seems to be wonderful. I intend to go on foot and join you closer to 3.30”.

after 26 days, on March 30, “angel Bobby” died of pneumonia and was buried in the Kazanskoye cemetery in Tsarskoye Selo (Pushkin). Later over his grave was built a chapel, after the revolution, ruined and reconstructed several years ago.

what hides behind the parish registers of st. isaacs cathedral 8the Entry in the register of the baptism of Catherine.

29 Nov 1878 in St. Isaac’s Cathedral was baptized the last of Alexander II’s daughter Catherine. The godfather born on 9 September in the Crimea girls indicated adjutant General suites of his Imperial Majesty Alexander M. Ryleev and Princess Maria M. Meshchersky. Characterized by the following note: “Rank, name, country and name of the baby’s parents to be announced the godfather, which at the first opportunity and undertook to deliver the proper information about them.” In both cases, the sacrament of baptism the Emperor’s children at St. Isaac’s Cathedral were made by the same clergy: priest Benjamin Tikhomirov, deacon Peter Kazansky, the Sexton Andrey Kudryavtsev.

what hides behind the parish registers of st. isaacs cathedral 9the Emperor Alexander II and his daughter Catherine. 1880

P. S.

Just a month and a half life was measured to little Boris. Younger sister, Catherine, lived 81 years. She died on 22 Dec 1959 in Hampshire (England) in a nursing home.

1. Golovina, V. N. In the Royal circle. Memories of the ladies of the Romanov dynasty. 2016. p. 167.