Birgit Utz and your Partner in a long-distance relationship. While she lives in Bavaria, lives your friend in upper Austria. Normally, a distance of 120 kilometers, and the Bavarian-Austrian border. However, in the Wake of the Corona-pandemic the border since mid – March, is the Couple can no longer see.

corona-related border closures strain relationships

Initially, Utz could have your Partner in spite of border closure twice in Austria to visit. “But since there are new pads and a Corona-proof is required, not a doctor issue, if not a suspicion, it has become more difficult,” explains the 32-Year-old.

since the end of March Austria has called at the port of entry a health certificate, confirming that the travellers are not infected with Covid-19, if you are planning a stay in Austria.

to make matters worse, your Partner may not leave Austria. “He’s not allowed to leave his district in upper Austria. When he has tried it once to see me, he’s been by the police in another district stopped. You have included its data. If he leaves now, the district again, there is a money penalty,“ says the mother of a six year old boy.

“The mood is bad, everyone is frustrated,”

The border guards will take you in this predicament, however, in protection: “I have to praise the police. All the police officers were understanding and did you feeling sorry for yourself. You know that you just want to see his Partner.“

Despite all understanding for the measures, the current situation is a strain on the relationship: “The mood is bad, everyone is frustrated. You want to see, but not to each other,“ explains Utz. Also your son would miss his stepfather already: “My child, all the time asking for my Partner. You have not seen for four weeks. Skyping and phone calls is just not the Same.“

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“If the border until June, I don’t know, how it goes on,”

Great hopes that in this difficult Situation soon will change that, not not: “If Sebastian says Shortly, that he wants to allow until the end of June the limit, I know how to do it more,” she says. The policy makes you the Status Quo is partly responsible: “I think it’s stupid that there are no rules that you can see his Partner in this difficult time.”

Therefore, she wishes that the measures in the fight against Corona, the partnerships, the people who go beyond the country’s borders are more taken into account. “I want to go in Austria, in the mountains or on a lake for a walk. I want to have my Partner in this difficult time for me. I want rules that you can see the partners across borders. Social contacts are me no matter, I will lock myself at home, just so I could see my Partner,” says Utz.
“don’t Know if this is Serious”: Laschet drives Hayali in the ZDF-Interview, FOCUS Online/Wochit “don’t Know if this is Serious”: Laschet drives Hayali in the ZDF-Interview