On the territory of Anapa Greek colonists settled in the late VI century BC, built a settlement called Sindhi Harbor. However glorified these places the son of Bosporan king Gorgipp who chose as his residence destroyed during the confrontation with the Meotians town on the coast – a handy item for the establishment of trade and Commerce. In the IV century BC, the settlement became rapidly expanding, and soon on the Bay prospered Gorgippia – a major seaport of the Bosporan Kingdom.

About the rich ancient history spanning over 2,500 years, will tell in the Anapa archaeological Museum, located on the waterfront in the heart of the resort and holding more than 25 thousand exhibits. The basis of the collection consists of finds from the excavations Gorgippia. Unique, according to experts, the collection of coins, gravestones, ceramic stamps, jewelry, terracotta figurines, amphorae, beads, glass and black lacquer vessels. Here you can stroll along the neighborhoods of the Greek Polis in the excavation under the open sky, to see the foundations and walls of ancient dwellings and workshops, and also to buy some Souvenirs – painted lacquer miniature amphora. According to senior researcher Anapa archaeological Museum, candidate of historical Sciences Andrey Novichikhina, excavation became a symbol of the resort:

– it begins With the introduction with the Gorgippia. Now the objects is an area of residential neighborhoods with well-preserved houses of the Hellenistic and Roman times and three ancient cobbled streets, wine-making complexes of the Roman era, part of the defensive citadel of late time. On the platform next to the excavation is the lapidary exhibition of monumental stone products: coffins, gravestones, architectural and construction details. The most famous archaeological discovery made in Anapa, a stone tomb, opened in 1975 and is known as the “Tomb of Hercules”.

This is a unique example of an ancient Greek funerary architecture. 13 square meters there are 3 sarcophagus, hewn out of monolithic limestone blocks. Walls and ceilings are covered with polychrome paintings in fresco technique. The ancient artist used mineral paints for at least nine colors. On the side walls is placed a belt with images of masks and garlands. Above – a frieze painted with the story, representing the 12 labors of Hercules. The second symbol Anapa can be called a lighthouse on the shore, which is more than 100 years. It is depicted on every second magnet that tourists buy as a souvenir, but in reality, black-and-white giant is much prettier. The first Anapa lighthouse flasher earned 20 Oct 1898, lighting the way for ships. Then its height is 35 meters. In ��during the great Patriotic war the city was captured by the Nazis that destroyed a building at the retreat. To revive it was decided in 1955. the Octagonal tower, with three black horizontal stripes soared by 43 meters. Its light is visible from a distance of 18.5 miles. Now it is equipped with a radio beacon, a radio station and an independent diesel generator. Now beside him make appointments with friends and lovers. Close to the city centre with its many cafes and restaurants. The legacy of Russo-Turkish wars that raged on the coast at the turn of XVIII and XIX centuries, Russian steel gate. This is all that remains of a long time considered to be impregnable Turkish fortress, a former stumbling block of the two powers. They were restored in the mid 1990-ies. Inside a stele, which depicts the order of “Caucasus” and has the inscription “Here lie the remains of Russian soldiers who died at the walls of the fortress 1788-1828 years.” And this summer completed construction of a new urban landmarks – the arc de Triomphe, dedicated to the “Victorious Russian army in the memory of the deeds at the walls of Anapa in the war with Turkey from grateful descendants”. It is decorated with stone bas-reliefs depicting the heroic events from the history of the city and portraits of famous military leaders, who fought in the walled city. Design came up with a member of the Union of artists of Russia Damir Krivenko. He had to learn a lot of historical documents, go to the archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg to find rare sketches from the period of Russian-Turkish wars.

– When making portraits, studied all the way up to positioning sequence of rewards on clothes, – said Krivenko. In the paintings of different artists there are discrepancies, but we have made every effort to adhere to historical accuracy.

a New art object of natural white stone decorated entrance to the main square of Anapa on the street side of the Fortress. The triumphal arch is the mural in memory of the outstanding Russian naval commanders – Fyodor Ushakov, Alexei Greig, Lazar Serebryakov, who helped field Marshal General Ivan Gudovich in 1791, the Turks retook the fortress of Anapa. By the way, in 2011, Anapa was awarded the status of “City of military glory”. Residents are proud of this title and much to the memory of the military past of the city continued to live in people’s memory. In recent years, open squares military glory in the village of su-psekh, and on the farm the Dawn, the Park of military equipment at the Simferopol highway where you can see the legendary T-34 and Katusha. On city waterfront district Museum of local lore created memory lane with the names of heroes, whose exploits are inextricably linked with the history of the city. Also in Anapa a lot of monuments reminding about the events of the war, among which obelisks and b��atskie the grave. They are all in perfect condition, well cared for, authorities and local residents.

the New and, as it turned out, the popular destination of tourism in the city religious. In the centre of Anapa is the oldest Holy temple of St. Onuphrius, which is the object of historical heritage in the village of Vityazevo – Church of St. George, in gay-kodzor the Armenian Apostolic Church of St. George, in Varvarivka – the temple of St. Barbara, in Yurivka is a temple of new Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, in Dzhiginka – All Saints Church. They are all valid and have the original architectural decision.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.