Vice-Governor of the Kirov region detained for taking bribes

on Friday, the FSB detained the Deputy Governor of the Kirov region Andriy Plitko. About it writes “Kirogi” with reference to regional UFSB.

a Senior official was caught red-handed when receiving a bribe in especially large size. We are talking about the amount of 3.4 million rubles.

As explained in the Department, Plitko used his official powers and authority of the position, creating a criminal scheme in supervised forestry sector.

an Organized group received money from businessmen and legal persons under contracts of sale of timber with the regional institution “Kirovoblgaz”. It was created in place of “Kirovles”.

According to the Agency, and also arrested the Minister of forestry of the Kirov region Alexey Shurgin. A few months earlier, was arrested the Director of “Kirovskoe” Andrey TUEV.

the question on excitation of criminal case under part 6 article 209 of the RF criminal code (banditry).