Shortly before his wedding, a man falls out with his mother because she wants to show up to the celebration in a white dress. She doesn’t let anyone talk to her and even risks being disinvited.

“The only thorn in my side is my mother,” writes a man about his upcoming wedding on the social media platform Reddit. An argument breaks out between the future groom and his mother over her mother’s choice of clothing.

The groom and his fiancée say they are planning a wedding for 2024. They want the guests to dress in summer, preferably in pastel or floral tones. However, they do not want to impose an official dress code.

The main problem for the groom and his fiancée arises from his mother’s choice of clothing. In a post he reports: “She proudly presented her dress to me. A dress with about 2-4 roses embroidered on the dress, the rest is completely white.” This led to discussions.

“Don’t you think the dress is a little too white?” he asked his mother, who thought it was “beige” and stuck to her decision. She really wanted to wear it. He suggested that his mother was financially capable of purchasing another dress, but she was unwilling to do so.

The fiancée expressed disappointment that his mother did not know that the color white was reserved for the bride. She fears that she might burst into tears at the wedding if the groom’s mother wears a white dress.

The groom quoted his mother as saying: “Yes, then I’ll just stay at home, I was so looking forward to this dress and you’re ruining everything.” The groom’s sister agreed and wrote to him that he shouldn’t be so upset and that it was her mother, “she’s allowed to do that.” He now suspects that his mother and sister may be jealous of his fiancée.

A problematic bride, on the other hand, made international headlines some time ago. She dictated everything to the wedding guests: from what they should wear to even the color of their eyes.

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