Until the end of 2020 in Moscow completed the repair of the 2 million homes, said in the podcast RIA Novosti "Moscow.Backstage" Deputy Director of the Fund kapremonta Moscow Stanislav nisimov.

"To the end of the year we plan to complete the repair in 2 thousand houses. It is clear that some portion of the work will have to spend next year. Given the climate adjusted terms, but the work will lead," he said.

Major repairs of apartment houses in the capital, who in March was suspended due to the introduction of the regime of self-isolation, resumed in July. In full this year, will be required to ensure the safety of residents, first of all, capital repairs of intrahouse gas supply and replace elevators.

The program of capital repairs of apartment buildings is underway in Moscow in 2015 and covers 27 920 buildings. It is designed to 2044. In high-rise buildings are going to renovate more than 350 thousand of engineering systems and structures, to put in order gas equipment and replace 112 thousand elevators.