Twitter was forced to delete messages vs 5G

Social network Twitter has made changes to the rules under which users will be required to remove unconfirmed reports that the 5G network allegedly causing coronavirus.

The company explained that such rumors can lead to the destruction of or damage to critical infrastructure 5G. In addition, they contribute to the spread of panic, fraught with social unrest and major riots.

Some time ago it became known that in the UK the vandals in the Wake of rumors about 5G communication c pandemic has damaged about two dozen towers. Because not all of them was the new equipment that affected 3G and 4G networks, reports PRIME.

Earlier wrote that fake on the distribution COVID-19 through 5G network supported TV presenter Victoria Bonya, which in social networks by millions of subscribers. In her opinion, the illness and death associated with exposure to radio waves, and the panic caused by the coronavirus created for the General chipping.