Right at the beginning of the new season of the RTL docu-soap “Alt und Abfahrn” hit icon Heino (83) admitted to cheating on his theoretical driving test in 1960: “The driving instructor, who was very well disposed towards me, always did it where I ticked should, made a very small point …”, he reported laughing, but at the same time he was sure: “I would have passed it like that.”

In general, the singer (“Blue is blooming the gentian”) was quite self-confident with regard to the upcoming driving test, which he – alongside three non-prominent seniors – wanted to voluntarily face. There is now one celebrity per episode in the new season, after Heino there will also be Dieter Hallervorden (86), Peter Orloff (78), Eva Jacob (79), Bata Illic (82) and Richard Lugner (89). Put it through its paces and have it evaluated according to a traffic light system.

Red stands for “Caution, this is getting dangerous!”, yellow for “It’s okay”, and green means the green light to continue driving. However, the consequences drawn from this are voluntary for the examinees, like the examination itself. Because in Germany you can keep your driving license once you have it, for life if you are not officially guilty of anything. A rule that repeatedly causes discussions, as abilities, for example in relation to reaction and perception, decrease linearly with increasing age, which can result in a risk to road traffic.

On the other hand, the car also means a bit of freedom for many older people, because not everyone can say as simply as Heino: “As long as I have the feeling that I’m fit, I’ll drive, and if I no longer have the feeling, then stop.” I drive myself.” The Kitzbühler-by-choice had recently bought a Bentley – also for the sake of his long-term wife Hannelore (80), who is now finding it difficult to get up: “Hannelore comes in beautifully, beautifully out.” He himself also likes the big car: “The last few years that I still have, I want to drive comfortably, drive nicely,” said the actually passionate speed driver, who also likes to sing at the wheel, as a third party band reveals.

While Hannelore sounded cautious – “We’ll see …” – the hit bard was “very optimistic” and “not nervous”. Heino: “I don’t think I make mistakes either. Man, I’ve been driving fault-free for over 60 years. I’ve never had an accident.” His examiner, driving instructor and TikTok star David Johannssen promised not to accept a celebrity bonus and to “check Heino like everyone else.”

That meant: every little mistake was noticed and criticized – and of course the larger ones even more so! For example, the celebrity test candidate didn’t really have it with the advertised “comfortable” driving: He consistently drove a good bit too fast. “Dear Heino, think about your speed!” scolded David. Reverse parking worked “excellently”, he praised. “The examiner would be overjoyed! So me now.”

Shortly afterwards, however, Heino drove over a stop sign – in a real test he would have rattled through it! “Oh, oh, oh, Heino!” David reprimanded, but met with a lack of understanding from his protégé. After all, the traffic light was green just before the sign. He did see the stop sign, but: “No one has ever stopped there!” The thing is “not doing very well”.

“But you’re a guy too, you!”, David amused himself. Overall, who would have thought it, his verdict was positive: Heino drove “quickly, safely and dexterously”, which is why he got the Stop sign eyes shut, a certificate with a green traffic light – as the only one of the four examinees in this episode! “I’m really impressed,” praised David the radiant hit star, with which his Hannelore was happy.

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The original of this post “Heino ignores a stop sign in the driving test – and also complains” comes from Teleschau.