Tricko and Mira had walked mile after mile in the high mountains of the county when the ruthless covenant search party finally found them.
They barked not. Gave only from low brumling when the owner, Stian Tamlagsrønning, took off his scooterhjelmen and opened his arms for them.
– They realized enough that now – now they get food and rest.
Short hike ended with a four day long search group consisting
that would prove to be an easter with the exploration from the early to the late, began in Nekjådalen in Singsås in Trøndelag Wednesday in holy week.
Where was Stian Tamlagsrønning, three adults, five children and two dogs, have a little food and coffee break inside the seter, before they returned home.
But before kaffekoppene was emptied, discovered Tamlagsrønning that the dogs don’t was to see. Neither Tricko, an 8-year-old gordonsetter, or Mira, a 6-year-old petit basset griffen vendeen.
TICKO: Ticko is a omplasseringshund as Stian Tamlagsrønning use to skogsfugljakt.
Photo: Private
MIRA: Mira is a omplasseringshund as Stian Tamlagsrønning use for deer hunting.
Photo: Private
Did they really run away, again? Yes, the furry friends have also previously vented without the owner’s consent. Tricko has the nickname Houdini for a reason, and Tamlagsrønning lock always the door at home.
When it had gone a while without that he had seen snurten of the two dogs, he began to get worried.
Frenzied leteforhold
Tamlagsrønning is with the Red Cross. A colleague in the search and rescue corps decided to call the infosentralen, the Red Cross, its påskeberedskap, to see if he could start the search for the dogs.
Two ekvipasjer got to go to the mountains, after the centre assured that it would not go beyond preparedness. The agreement was that they would report when they started and stopped the search.
There are dogs for the dog until the end of august, and Tamlagsrønning was no less keen to find them because of it. The provision is to protect the wildlife, among other things, in the mountains.
the Hours passed. Snødrevet was closer. The wind is stronger.
search group consisting: on Easter Sunday, was a single long search group consisting of Stian Tamlagsrønning and others in the Red Cross in Gauldal.
Photo: Private
“It was crazy conditions,” says Tamlagsrønning, emphasizing that the deep snow made scooterkjøringen to a fight.
We searched in the adjacent valleys, until we had to give us because of their own security.
Thursday, over a day after the disappearance, went letemannskapet out again. Then also to no avail.
on good Friday there was a’n again. Then got Tamlagsrønning and the gang tip about tracks in Budalen, approximately 12-15 km away from the seter, where the dogs had disappeared.
the Final slot to go after! But easily, there should not be now either. In the night’s darkness, at 01.30, had the crew give up.
Was afraid when he saw the weather report
the Same procedure on the morning of easter Saturday, then also no luck. And then Tamlagsrønning saw the weather report for easter Sunday, he realized that they had a bad time.
There should be a hefty storms from Trøndelag and northwards. Meteorologists sent out farevarsel about strong winds and lots of snow in several places.
the Weather report showed that it not was possible to be out. We only had a small window Sunday morning, ” explains Tamlagsrønning.
De la including out food to lure the dogs to him. And suddenly – just before the light blowing snow was to hustrig blizzard, got the crew spotted something brown moving in the middle of all the white.
Held in conjunction
It was not the tail wagging the dogs that came running – rather two wet pelsdotter with tired eyes that loffet away to their owner.
But it was an extreme gjensynsglede, even if they had not powers to sprudle, says Tamlagsrønning, as happy could wrap them in warm cloth in scooterkjelken.
REUNITED: the Dogs finally got be in the owner’s lap, after a whole easter of hiking.
Photo: Private
Turkameratene had held together – on the journey of almost 100 hours far up in the mountains.
It is amazing that they actually managed to move all the way to the Endalen. It’s insane, ” says Tamlagsrønning.
Exactly how far they have gone, nobody will know. But, from the distance between the Nekjådalen and Endalen, has the owner calculated that they probably have gone around 45 kilometers.
They had not managed a night. I’m absolutely convinced, ” he says.
at HOME: How has Mira been since she and Tricko came down from his through strenuous journey in the mountains.
Photo: Private