To obtain a digital pass in the Moscow region is now possible via SMS

In the suburbs there is another method of receiving a digital badge. Now pass that gives the right to travel in the region and Moscow, we can arrange by SMS.

you need to send a message to the short number 0250. It must contain purpose of travel, passport details of the applicant, his date of birth, car number, if the person moves on the machine and the data transport card “Troika” or “Arrow” if you plan to travel by public transport.

the purpose of the trip is numbered by the numbers 1, 2 and 3 indicating, respectively, the journey to work (then you need to indicate the INN of the employer), in a facility and visit with different intentions. In the latter case, you need to specify the reason for not exceeding 20 characters. For example, “the cottage”.

Until today to issue a pass for travel around the suburbs it was possible only in two ways: through the regional portal of public services through the mobile application “public Services STOP the coronavirus”.