The story of a drunken PTA, arranged by Mikhail Efremov, continues to be debated in the media and social networks.

As it turned out, there are many pitfalls and distortions of information.

To understand what is truth, what is not, sometimes extremely difficult. And recently talking about the fact that the actor is generally not to blame for what happened…

Telegram channel 112 has published a review of the brother who died in a car accident Sergei Zakharov, who complained to the defenders of Michael Ephraim.

“We are, frankly, very tired mentally from the amazing statements that were expressed by the defense of Mikhail Efremov recent days about the adoption of children Sergei, about 100 million that we supposedly demand from g-on Efremova (although never anyone not even communicated). But today’s claim of innocence Mikhail Olegovich us just shocked. It is not just a provocation, this is a clear attempt to avoid punishment. We was afraid of that initially – and therefore went on television. I just don’t know. All hope for our lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky and justice,” said relative Zakharov.

As previously wrote “the Rambler”, the actor Mikhail Yefremov did not mean that plea, and said he wants to help you, as a believer. About this Agency city news “Moscow” said the lawyer, Ephraim Elman Pashayev.